Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Last June they organized national and international mobiliizacija. Activists started putting rubber

From June onwards, activists mobilized to prevent big cruise ships from entering the canals in Venice, and to destroy the desired place of world cultural significance by UNESCO, and damage the environment.
Upon arrival in Venice after the land teminal Pijacale Roma was struck by the image of several huge transatlantic cruise ships anchored in the harbor which looks miniature and without adequate services. Returning back to the ferry brought me to the barricades known as Zatere, where I saw the police put baradi floating in the water.
Something is happening. Demonstrations. Protest against those big ships that pollute and plow through the middle of town, nadvisnuvajkji over coastal homes and churches. Venice is built according to the dimensions of the man, lying low on the shore. These monstrosities are an insult to human values. And mutilate the delicate ecology of the lagoon of Venice, making noise, smoking and pollution. Today their presence is particularly offensive because the government issued permits for 12 of them to go beside the cathedral of San Marco and the Grand Canal.
They needed a new policy - to introduce pilot travel center a limit on the number of large ships to find new alternative locations for anchoring away from the center of Venice, pilot travel center and to adopt a national policy for waterways to preserve the damaged material city. They invite tourists from around the world to boycott krostuvachkite ships that are starting their cruises from Venice.
Last June they organized national and international mobiliizacija. Activists started putting rubber inflatable barricades in the successful blockade of cruise ships to prevent them from passing. In September, 50 protesters zaronija the water in the channel Gvideka, and briefly blocked the passage of ships.
Operation of these vessels - as well as large cargo ships and oil tankers - dependent kontiuiranoto and deeper excavation of the lagoon of Venice. This is among the major projects that fundamentally affect the environment in the lagoon - including Mosse (module sperimentale elektromagnetiko) pilot travel center electrical system for flood protection intended pilot travel center to save Venice from high waters, with regular flooding of streets and infrastructure in the city. (The stands of Pjacale Roma sold blue plastic gowns to shoes).
Mosse's interest in the construction barons - "cement gangs" as a local call. Authenticated huge construction work, according to the law of 1984, which will be "experimental, gradual and feedback", pilot travel center but in reality thousands of concrete columns, long by 9 to 12 feet are immersed in the bottom of the lagoon. According worst estimate from 1984, the expected increase in water level was 31.4 inches, but the figures released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) by 2100, an estimated increase of between 50 and 140 centimeters and 80 centimeters likely.
In September 2012 at Athens, Paolo Piracoli, marine engineer at the French CNRS, presented a paper at an international conference on urban flooding. He believes that the system already Mosse will be useless pilot travel center until be launched in 2016 (and possibly later). Therefore needs radical solutions. One, proposed by a local organization for environmental protection, consisting of vpumpuvanje seawater pilot travel center in suburban geological locations at a depth of 700-900 meters, which will allow "may, pilot travel center in fact some, running around the city for 35 cm. over a period of five years. "
It is estimated that emissions of smoke and particulates from large cruise ships are equivalent to emissions from 14,000 cars a day, and this is a city without cars. This air pollution is greater during the summer, when up to 12 "floating hotels" entering the harbor, and their engines are constantly working despite the proximity of the working neighborhood of Santa Marta. Demonstrators protest campaigns pilot travel center via electromagnetic waves that are directed at people's homes, and ongoing pilot travel center included radar systems pilot travel center from carcasses of ships. There is sound pollution from continuous public Permissions intended for travelers in transit.
Proposed measures are required. All ships mnuvaat through Venice pilot travel center must only use fuel containing sulfur less than 0.1 percent. When anchored, should be provided with additional power supply to prevent the use of diesel engines for power boats. Using radar should be minimized. Daily passing through the passenger terminal should be administered autonomous pilot travel center body VTP (Venice pesindzhers terminal) and be under the control of the mayor and the citizens of Venice. There must be a commitment to the principles of sustainable development, defense of the lagoon pilot travel center as "i

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