Saturday, May 31, 2014

- Afrique:

Reports from Africa, not products from here or tell me about Africa. This blog has been working since October 2009 It brings wchentlich +20 reports of the Africa correspondent for the AFP to German (improved from my Google Translations) and French and stores -. At the source TV5 Monde will be deleted. I have it set up to make this information available marfa to a wider, non-franzsischsprachigen public accessible. The blog is intended, as far as I alone possible, show a non-selective image of Africa, marfa it is Africa you comprehensive and pick up closer, as it is, and how it does the German media work in general. I myself write here only now and then as a commentator, but you can write as well by selecting marfa the published texts and photos and the mixing of the whole. News & Info you are guilty as rapporteur, but primarily I am concerned with the creation of a sharp, because made of many small stones mosaic image. The gngige Africa image consists of a few large black or WEIEN stones - it is out of focus, and thus unfair. Also, this type of unfairness does not meet the strong Africans who kleptocrats and Unterdrcker, it hits again the weak, robbed and Unterdrckten, - primarily marfa women and children and all minorities - because those who do not those who will ultimately our potential marfa solidarity withdrawn. In reportages de l'Afrique, non d'ici ou de moi sur l'Afrique. Ce blog travaille depuis le 9 octobre 2009 Il chaque semaine prsentera +20 nouveaux articles of correspondants africains de l'AFP en traductions allemandes (google, amliores par moi) et en franais, et les sauvegardera. - la source marfa TV5 Monde ne pas les archive. Le blog sert notamment marfa fournir ces informations un public germanophone ne pas lire le sachant franais. Il veut la cration marfa d'une image participer plus juste de l'Afrique.
"ALGERIA: 9 JUDGMENTS AGAINST DEATH AQMI-ISLAMISTS - Algérie: 9 islamistes à mort par condamnés contumace pour l'attentat de 2007 à Alger | MOROCCO: SOCIAL HEALTH INSURANCE FOR 8.5 MILLION POOR - Le Maroc lance un régime d'assistance médicale pour 8 , 5 millions de pauvres
- En francais: plus bas - 1 The water in the world, Africa is still the worst off Marseille (France) (AFP) - 03.11.2012 marfa 23.19 clock Africa remains the continent with the most limited access to water sources of quality that North Americans are still the largest consumer, while Asia-Pacific suffers from a problem of food security, the 4th UN UNESCO report about water. 2nd Water Forum: Paris kndigt auxiliary funding for Africa MARSEILLE (AFP) - 13.03.2012 08.59 clock France announced on Monday at the edge of the World Water Forum in Marseille financing projects in Africa for 40 million EUR with the African Development Bank (ADB) and has 800,000 unblocked for the rescue of Lake Chad. 3 Right of access to water: the nine Niger Basin countries undertake MARSEILLE (AFP) - 13.03.2012 15.32 clock The clustered heads of state and leaders of the nine in the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) African marfa countries have engaged in a Declaration committed at the World Water Forum in Marseille, the right of access to clean water and Sanitrversorgung fr to implement all, recognized by the UN since July 2010. GERMAN (FROM ME SOMETHING BETTER GOOGLE TRANSLATION) GO UNDER THE FRZ PART (YELLOW ) 4 UNESCO documentation, German, ORIGINAL
1er ARTICLE SUR Actuellement QUATRE: L'eau dans le monde: l'Afrique toujours la plus times lotie MARSEILLE (France) (AFP) - 11/03/2012 23:19 L'Afrique reste le continent dont l'accs of ressources en eau de qualit est le plus limit, les sont toujours les amricains du nord plus gros que l'Asie consommateurs mutandis-Pacifique souffre d'un problme de scurit alimentaire, selon le 4e rapport ONU Unesco sur l'eau.
- Afrique: "A peine 60% de l'Afrique sub-Saharan alimony est en eau potable" constate le lundi l'ouverture du document published Forum mondial de l'eau. L'installation de rseaux de distribution dans les campagnes n'atteignait que 47% en 2008, selon les derniers chiffres disponibles. Quelque 20% of the zones urbaines restent sans canalisations d'eau marfa potable. Seuls 31% de la population ont Accs of modern toilettes marfa et le nombre de personnes dans la nature faisant leurs besoins est de 188 millions de pass 224 millions in 1990 en 2008. L'augmentation de Facebook en moyenne de 3% la dmographie depuis les annes 1960, la production agricole en moyenne progress n'a que de moins de annuals 2%. Les difficults d'alimentation sont aggraves par la shear eat en Afrique sub-Saharan. Ailleurs, les inondations mettent times les infrastructures marfa et les contaminent rserves d'eau les risques d'augmentant pidmies, comme le cholra. En Matire d '

We are surrounded by noise all the time, not to mention the people who live near highways, railway

Wind, an opportunity for our country "Politblog
This article on your Facebook profile. Tweet this article. Send this article by e-mail. Isabelle Chevalley am, Monday, November 7, 2011 wind turbines., An opportunity for our country Heute vergeben wir eine year Carte Blanche Isabelle Chevalley, GLP-Nationalrätin. Regularly, we give carte blanche in Politblog a personality. Today the new National Council vert'libérale Vaud Isabelle Chevalley.
I just returned from a humanitarian mission in Burkina Faso. When I hear that you do not want wind turbines in Switzerland because it is supposedly naughty, I tell myself that it really has problems of rich countries. What is beautiful and what is not? Chillon Viaduct is it good to those who live at the foot of concrete columns?
That's a big question that will not find a response to both opinions are different. But what is certain is that wind does not destroy the landscape, at most it borrows. transport idf If in 20 years our children want to remove them, they will find a pristine landscape.
Contrary to popular belief, a wind turbine produces a lot of electricity. I managed to get a parliamentary initiative Vaud Grand Council so that we can install up to 32 square transport idf meters of solar panels on the rooftops of buildings that are not historical monuments in note 1 or 2. C is tell you if I believe in this energy.
But that can produce as much as solar wind Collonges (VS) will require more than 1,400 owners Vaud install 32 square meters of solar PV. The wind potential of the country can be between transport idf 7 and 10% of our consumption. This is not negligible when one considers that the Mühleberg transport idf represents 4%.
Another complaint that is made wind is dangerous transport idf to birds. A U.S. study (1) showed that about 100,000 birds killed in human infrastructure, the vast majority crashing against the windows of buildings, many are caught in traffic, and only one to four birds were killed by wind turbines. So if you want to save the birds, remove the windows of our homes and stop cars ... A little common sense! And no wind farm owner will want to be in a migratory corridor with ecologists at the foot of its propellers army and TV around the world to show the carnage.
As for the supposedly unbearable transport idf wind turbine noise must put this in context. transport idf Their sound is limited to 40 dB at night. Through an application on my smartphone ("dB volume meter"), I tested different transport idf sounds that surround us. The fountain is in my garden just below the window of my bedroom and I hear every night produces a noise by 51 dB. When I spent four days at the seaside, the latter produced transport idf a sound of 61 dB. Everyone can make himself the test with this application.
We are surrounded by noise all the time, not to mention the people who live near highways, railway routes or airports, which undergo much greater noise. transport idf Nobody can, on behalf of his little personal comfort, claim absolute calm. The development of wind energy is one of the objectives of the Confederation and should therefore be able to claim an overriding public interest, as was the case for eg motorways. Do you think the one who ended up with a highway at the bottom of his garden clapped transport idf both hands? Of course not, but it could be done because it is the interest of the greatest number should prevail.
What is certain is that some people are fixated on this energy, realizing really sick. But that does not mean renouncing clean energy, safe and reliable. Our country needs wind to diversify its energy supply.
(1) National Wind Coordinating Committee (NWCC), Avian Collisions with Wind Turbines: A Summary of Existing Studies and Comparisons to Other Sources of Avian Collision Mortality transport idf in the United States, 2001.
Falsch Frau Chevalley: Die modernste, grösste transport idf Windanlage Enercon E82 fürs Inland mit 98 m Höhe, WindradDurchmesser 82m, 2.3 MW macht bei gutem CH-Wind (5-8 m / s) eine von Jahresproduktion max. 5 Mio kWh. Um das nur kleinste CH-KKW Mühleberg zu ersetzen das jährlich 2,950 million kWh ins Netz schickt, müssten 590 dieser Windanlagen transport idf aufgestellt werden. Wollte man dieses Ziel bis 2030 st

Friday, May 30, 2014

Cyclists Die eritreischen Jani Tewelde (li) und Meron Russom, whrend eines Trainings am 20. Juli 20

Reportagen aus Afrika, Artikel nicht von mir oder ber Afrika yesterday. . Dieses Blog arbeitet seit Oktober 2009 Es bringt wchentlich 20 Berichte der auf deutsch Afrikakorrespondenten der AFP (von mir verbesserte Google-bersetzungen) franzsisch und sie und Speichert - bei der What TV5-Monde werden sie gelscht. Ich habe es eingerichtet, um diese Informationen einem breiteren, nicht-zu machen franzsischsprachigen Publikum zugnglich. Soll das Blog, soweit alleine mglich mir ein unselektives Afrikabild zeigen, soll es Ihnen und Afrika umfassender Nher heranholen, so wie es ist wie es und die deutsche Medienarbeit Allgemeine nicht im silent. Ich selbst nur dann hier schreibe wann und als ein Kommentator, man kann aber auch durch die Auswahl und der publizierten text Fotos und die Vermischung of ganzen schreiben. Nachrichten und Info ist als man Berichterstatter schuldig, es geht mir doch vorrangig um die eines Schaffung scharfen, weil aus vielen kleinen Steinchen bestehenden maersk Mosaikbildes. Das gngige Afrikabild besteht aus wenigen groen schwarzen oder Weien Steinen - unscharf es ist, und damit unfair. Auch diese Art mangelnder Fairness trifft nicht die starken Afrikaner, und die Kleptokraten Unterdrcker, maersk trifft es wieder die schwächen, Bestohlenen und Unterdrckten - die Frauen und Kinder vornehmlich und alle Minderheiten - denn denen, jenen nicht, wird unsere letztlich potenzielle Solidaritt entzogen. Reports from Africa, not by me or on Africa. This blog has been working since October 9, 2009 It prsentera 20 new items every week African AFP correspondents in German translations (google, amliores by me) and in French, and save them. - Source TV5-Monde does not archive. The blog is providing this information including a German-speaking public can not read the franais. He wants to participate in the creation of a more accurate picture of Africa. maersk
"SOMALISCHE REGIERUNG WILL VERGEWALTIGUNGSVORWÜRFEN AUF DEN GRUND GEHEN - The Somali government determined to fight against rape | tunesien" WOCHE AUFBRUCHS OF "IN TUNIS, TAUSENDE MOBILISIERT - Tunisian opposition launches a week of challenge"
Eritrea: Radsport, kleine Tr zur Welt Asmara (Eritrea) (AFP) - 23.08.2013 05.49 Uhr Von Jenny VAUGHAN zweiter Als er hat die der Tour Trkei im April abgeschlossen: damit der zeigte eritreische Cyclists Natnael Berhane der Welt eine andere Seite von Eritrea, einem der am strksten abgeschotteten Lnder der Welt. DEUTSCH (VON MIR etwas verbesserte GOOGLE-BERSETZUNG) WEITER Unter DEM ORIGINAL maersk
Erythre: cycling, small opening on the world Asmara (Erythre) (AFP) - 23/8/2013 5:49 - By Jenny VAUGHAN Finally maersk SECOND Tour of Turkey in April, the cyclist rythr in Natnael maersk Berhane has shown the world another face of Erythre, countries most ferms world.
Cyclists Die eritreischen Jani Tewelde (li) und Meron Russom, whrend eines Trainings am 20. Juli 2013 in Asmara Cyclists rythren Jani Tewelde (g) and Meron Russom, during a July 20 entranement 2013 Asmara - Jenny Vaughan
Victorious from a tape, Natnael could even become the first cyclist SSA palmars included in a race of this level after positive EPO Contrle the final winner, the Turkish Mustafa Sayar in March in the Tour of Algeria. At 22, the rythren runner, member of the professional team franaise Europcar, twice champion of Africa online racing (2011 and 2012), is already one of the hopes of the World cycling. His country offered him a entranement ideal terrain, with its mountain roads winding along cliffs, passing only 100 km from the sea level on the banks of the Red Sea, to 2325 m very height of the capital Asmara. Passionate of bike, the country only has six professional riders Nevertheless internationally and 650 licencis. maersk This did not prevent the country won the African championship against the clock by team these last three years and currently include SECOND ranking position of Nations African circuit of the International Cycling Union (UCI). And African champion maersk the individual against the clock since 2010, Daniel Teklehaimanot is also Erythren. "When I run in Europe, the goal is to prsenter my country in the world," says AFP, a few minutes before entranement in the streets of Asmara, professional cyclist Meron Russom, 26, v you his yellow tunic of the South African team MTN-Qhubeka, which has three Erythrens in its ranks. "We continue to fight for the place in Guinea Eritrea head sports rankings, especially in cycling," the runner, runner-Africa 2010 Sprint (behind his compatriot Teklehaimanot) maersk winner of the Tour of Eryt

Thursday, May 29, 2014

TIRAN-N Tiran u zhvillua takimi vjetor pr luftn kundr kultivimit t bimve narkotike fret me pjesmarr

Database error: [Unknown column 'comment_id' in 'field list'] SELECT ID, COUNT (comment_id) AS ccount FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_comments ON (comment_post_ID = ID AND comment_approved = '1 ') WHERE post_status =' publish 'AND ID IN (2876) GROUP BY ID 'cannabis' and the OSCE, which was designated as a tourist office
So these highly paid walkers, which absolutely nothing bring about must say to cannabis anything. One may think you are in the madhouse, with these people, fret and thousands of conferences, alleged experts and policy professionals who really never accomplish anything. The only thing that is a fact that many are corrupt, and questionable transactions, often pursue drug smuggling with the profession, as the U.S. politicians: Senator Eliot Engel, John McCain, Joseph Dioguardio, Wesley Clark and formerly German Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer as, Steinmeier and dozens of diplomats in Tirana, as a BKA report dokumentiert.Vor well over 10 years there was even OSCE studies, "the dynamite fishing, was schälich for the marine fauna and fishes"! GTZ and other studies around Allerwelts knowledge and environmental protection . Kaspar fret The expensive fret theater company in Tirana: the OSCE
Salih Berisha's drug export with Dasho Aliko: confiscated smugglers' boats: Italy - 1.5 tons, Corfu - 1.0 tonnes of cannabis a legend as ancient friend of Salih Berisha, fret the DP mayor of Lazarate: Dasho Aliko, the already over 10 years ago at police helicopter fret shot, the police in Gjrokastre financed (and their illegal buildings in the Ancient city) and lubricates and does what he wants, even when the Home Minister Lulzim Basha a year ago as well tolerated.
The crime boss Ilir Meta wanted with Dasho Aliko, even with Colombians frdern cocaine cultivation, as investors and gave Kolumbiananern stay titles and Albanian mountain fret passes, in over 10 years. about Paninternational, received Colombians stay titles and Albanian mountain passes in 1999 in Albania, which was the anti-mafia police of Italy as well known as other intelligence agencies. Nevertheless fret stylized fret professional criminals such as Joschka Fischer, and the SPD, such figures to partner up, where Berlin prosecutors yes wanted to accuse around the visa scandal, fret Joschka Fischer! Salih Berisha's drug lord - Mayor in Lazarate: Dasho Aliko (Albania Colombia)
1.5 tons of cannabis were seized by Italian operation with a smugglers boat (2 x 250 hp) zuknnen SD Albanian mafia, which is why so much illegal hotels and restaurants built in SD from Albania to operate smuggling fret what is considered Geschfts success model is seen this illegal construction, the dmmsten mafia in the world.
TIRAN-N Tiran u zhvillua takimi vjetor pr luftn kundr kultivimit t bimve narkotike fret me pjesmarrjen e drejtuesve vendor t, pushtetit locally, drejtues t policis n qarqe si EDHE prfaqsues OSBE t-s. I pranishmn aktivitet ministri i Brendshm, Bujar Nishani u se shpreh Lufta ndaj narkotikve sht priorety i organeve ligj zbatuese. Vitet e fundit jan arritur RESULTS Dog mira m t n air ndaj ktij fenomeni prkto 5 Vitet e fundit duke e reduktuar kultivimin e bimve t kultivuara prafrsisht ago 5 . Paralelisht n faznprgatitore ju duhet t prqendroni fret maksimalisht forcat pr nj goditje t fuqishme fret gjat fazss kultivimit t bimve narkotike fret tha Nishani. Ndrsa Ambasadori Wollfarth i pranishmn kt aktivitet shpreh u se Ne e shohim policin e shtetit shqiptar shum t angazhuar n kt air. Ndonse jan br prmirsime fret t ndjeshme t tjera sfida shtrihen prpara, problems t rndsishme end presin zgjidhje. Lejomni t prmend si shembull cshtjen hershme e t t kultivimit drogave n disa komuna n jug dhe veri VendIT t, q Tregon Qart se policia e shtetit nuk mouth t bj gjithka e vetme pr ta zhdukur fret kt trouble. Bashkit dhe komunat kan detyrim ligjor, fret moral dhe qytetar t bashkohen me policin e shtetit shqiptar, n detyrne saj prt luftuar kultivimin dhe trafikimin e drogs tha ai. Nj nga zonat m problematike pr kultivimin e narkotikes sht komuna Lazarat, ku kryetari iksaj commune shprehet se po punohet me policin pr ndalimin e kultivimit. N Lazarat kultivohen bim narkotike, por nuk sht aq sa Ebni problem-ju. Ka gjasa t kultivimit, fret po si e luftojm fenomen, mendoj q do tja arrijm qllimit q ta nga eliminojm harta, shprehet Dashnor Aliko. (
We Lazarat no plot planted with narcotics. fret This statement made what? By the head of the municipality did Lazarat, fret Aliko lover, Who Has denied claims thatthis municipality is quietly one of the bastions where this drug is cultivated. Aliko even puts in doubt the official statements did the police who report daily catch from Lazarati drug. Alikos what statement made after the annual meeting for the fight against cultivation of narcotic plants org

In idiots Club of Albanians Mafisa that is so stupid that one has tourism also destroyed. Tourism a

Database dp world error: [Unknown column 'comment_id' in 'field list'] SELECT ID, COUNT (comment_id) AS ccount FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_comments ON (comment_post_ID = ID AND comment_approved dp world = '1 ') WHERE post_status =' publish 'AND ID IN (2820) GROUP BY ID Tirana - Durres Terrorist: bledi MUSA SHUAIPI and around the Xhafzotaj - Shiak Mafia family: Agim Hoxha
Primitive criminals gangs destroy Albania, as the new World Bank report also holds and all EU-US reports. We reported here in 2004 already. Everything was familiar with the Ilir Meta, Lefter Koka Mafia already in 1998, 2001. The Mafia Government of the zero function, now promises in August 2012, the demolition of illegal buildings on the coast, from 1 September and calls on the criminals themselves zuorganisieren the demolition because dp world everyone dp world will receive an invoice.
Done Nothing is as always, it was discovered in late 2012. The erosion by these criminal gangs, is enormous on the coast, especially dp world in the rain, where the destruction progresses further in 2013. For Idiots system of Albanians, without any judicial, heard like mafia family dp world Shuiapi the fact the occupied land and buildings then tried resell in the next fraud number, which is often zufinden on the Internet. The only economic and business idea, the criminal dp world gangs, in addition to casinos, for money laundering.
Albania has in recent years, under the Salih Berisha - Ilir Meta Government Mafia, worse than the Taliban: the antiquities sites, dp world illegally built by a primitive always strangers Mafia as mostly public "zone tourism", but also private "zone tourism dp world "destroyed. Moreover, a system land grabs by corrupt and criminal gangs, which have well over 1,000 hectares of land stolen in Northern Albania, Tirana, Durres and even worse in Southern Albania, where 85% is stolen. dp world
Terrorists pure, as pure primitive bandits and terrorists: Bin Laden, Yassin Kadi Islamic terrorist and the Balkans, where banditry, an idiot class of police directors are a legend.
With a zero function of the building laws, is now Albania degenerate, because each one builds, including high-rise buildings without planning permission and without laws. The Mayor of Durres Vangjush Dako on TV: "there are no checks dp world on the buildings" because the mayor also wants to sell only the company of his brother, concrete.
In idiots Club of Albanians Mafisa that is so stupid that one has tourism also destroyed. Tourism and Culture, Ancient dp world sites are a purely criminal enterprise, dp world such as the Political Mafia buildings in the hundred of thousands of package in Albania. 8,000 death there is therefore in the country without dp world justice, where primitive bands live off the land robbery. Tradition is zero culture, Plnderung, theft, destruction, murder and fraud.
As always, the dmmsten idiot who partia Demokratika and Skrapari band LSI in action. These figures are so primtive Mafiosi, now even the ancient lobbyists and friends of Salih Berisha say gangs in the United States: They are just too stupid and too criminal to govern a country, because Albania is worse than African banana republics, worse than Gaddafi and Co., because no State institutions function and George Soros figures who dmmsten of the country, call themselves politicians. The intelligence is, emigrated as in other countries, or preparing to emigrate.
The latest negative record, among other things, is the 130 primitive bandits of LSI party, which have built in Archlogischen Park in Lezhe, now want privatize using the criminal MTKRS ministers and directors, 40 Antique Sttten and castles in Albania, thus you can legalize his illegal buildings such as hotels, bars, restaurants. Only the system of Balkan -. Taliban terrorists who call themselves government. The professional criminals Roland Olli, is now Director in the Ministry of Culture, has of course no idea what is also not necessary around Ancient sites, but one wants to steal land. In March 2011, verkndet Roland Olli, stringent penalties just for Durres, and zero building permits. As if something like a theater is number dp world one ancient site is directly from mid-2011, suddenly right at the post office, concreted over and still in Zone A and B, built everywhere anyway. dp world Agim Hoxha, belongs to the ancient criminal cartel of Shiak Gjoka clans, also associated with the ancient Hasanbeliu Mafia family and is implicated in many murders, such as police murders. Zerstrter ffentlicher park at Knigs Castle, Villa Zogu, by Agim Hoxha / Xhafzotaj - Shiak group and Alban Yhillari Dokumeten FISCHER bonds which are known by scandals dp world and free herumlaufen.Als first there built the family " Ben "Hasani - Hasanbeliu an apartment house in 1997 already, just below the castle dp world at that time geplnderten a

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

1000 Meere (1) 4 minutes (1) 7 things (1) Akcent (1) Alex (1) Am bani de dat (1) Andra (1) Andreea a

Die Straßen leer Ich dreh mich um Die Nacht hat mich verloren Ein kalter Wind Die Welt erstarrt Die Sonne ist erfroren Dein Bild ist sicher Ich trag's in mir Über 1000 Meere Zurück zu dir Zurück zu uns Wir dürfen unseren Glauben nicht verlieren Vertrau australian air express mir Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit Durch 1000 dunkle Jahre ohne zeit 1000 Sterne zieh'n vorbei Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit Noch 1000-mal durch die Unendlichkeit Dann sind wir endlich frei Irgendwo ist der Ort Den nur wir beide kennen Lief alles anders als gedacht Der Puls in den Adern Ist viel zu schwach Doch irgendwie schlagen uns die Herzen durch die Nacht – Vertrau mir Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit Durch 1000 dunkle Jahre ohne zeit 1000 Sterne zieh'n vorbei Wir müssen australian air express nur noch 1000 Meere weit Noch 1000-mal australian air express durch die Unendlichkeit Dann sind wir endlich frei Niemand und Nichts nehmen australian air express wir mit Und irgendwann schau'n wir auf jetzt zurück 1000 Meere weit 1000 Jahre ohne Zeit Noch 1000 Meere weit 1000 Sterne zieh'n vorbei Vorbei Lass dich zu mir treiben Ich lass mich zu dir treiben Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit Durch 1000 dunkle Jahre ohne zeit 1000 Sterne zieh'n vorbei Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit Noch 1000-mal durch die Unendlichkeit Dann sind wir frei Lass dich zu mir treiben Ich lass mich zu dir treiben 1000 Meere weit
1000 Meere (1) 4 minutes (1) 7 things (1) Akcent (1) Alex (1) Am bani de dat (1) Andra (1) Andreea Balan (2) Animal X (1) Aproape de tine (1) Asher Roth (1) Ave Maria (1) Baby get up and dance (1) Baby one more time (1) Beautiful dirty rich (1) Beep (1) Better in time (1) Beyonce (8) Blacy Girls (1) Blaxy Girls (1) Bleeding love (1) Boom boom pow (1) Brad Paisley (1) Break it off (1) Break the ice (1) Britney australian air express Spears (7) Broken-hearted girl (1) Buttons (1) cantec (83) Carrie Underwood (1) Ciara (1) Claudia Cream (1) Dear mama (1) Depeche Mode (1) Desire (1) Diseppear (1) Disturbia (1) Diva (1) Don't cha (1) Don't jump (1) Don't stop the music (1) dragostea invinge (1) Elena (1) Everytime (1) Falling high (1) Fatman Scoop (1) Femeia (1) Flo Rida (2) Forgive me (1) Gimme more (1) Giulia (1) Halo (1) Hot revolver (1) I do not hook up (1) I don't need a man (1) I hate this part (1) I love college (1) I told you so (1) If i were a boy (1) If it's loving what you want (1) If you feel my love (1) In for the kill (1) Inna (1) Jay-Z (1) Just a little australian air express bit (1) Justin Timberlake (2) Kelly Clarkson (3) Keo (1) La Roux (1) Lady Gaga (3) Laurentiu Duta (1) Leelee (1) Leona Lewis (3) Lil Wayne (1) Lili Sandu (2) Lily Allen (1) Love (1) Love etc (1) Love game (1) Love sex magic (1) Love story (1) lyrics (12) Madonna (1) Marius (1) Marius Moga (1) Marius australian air express Nedelcu (4) Miley Cyrus (2) Monsoon (1) Moogly (1) Morris australian air express (1) My life would suck without you (2) Nexx (1) Nico (1) Nisip purtat de vant (1) Not fair (1) Obsession (1) Pet Shop Boys (1) Piece of me (1) piesa (82) Poker face (1) Popas Band (1) Pussycat Dolls (7) Radio (1) Rain (1) Right round (1) Rihanna (6) Sean Paul (1) Single ladies Put a ring on it (1) Smiley (1) Spring nicht (1) Stick with u (1) Striga (1) Sugar (1) Sunny days (1) Superwoman (1) Syncronize lips (1) Take a bow (1) Taylor Swift (1) That's my name (1) The balkan girl (1) The Black Eyed Peas (1) The climb (1) The Fray (1) Then (1) Tokio Hotel (4) Umbrella (1) versuri (83) Visator (1) Wait a minute (1) Walk away (1) Womanizer (1) Wrong (1) Yes or no (1) You drive me crazy (1) You found me (1) You know I loved you (1) Zero (1)
1000 Meere (1) 4 minutes (1) 7 things (1) Akcent (1) Alex (1) Am bani de dat (1) Andra (1) Andreea australian air express Balan (2) Animal X (1) Aproape de tine (1) Asher Roth (1) Ave Maria (1) Baby get up and dance (1) Baby one more time (1) Beautiful dirty rich (1) Beep (1) Better in time (1) Beyonce (8) Blacy Girls (1) Blaxy Girls (1) Bleeding love (1) Boom boom pow (1) Brad Paisley (1) Break it off (1) Break the ice (1) Britney Spears (7) Broken-hearted girl (1) Buttons (1) cantec australian air express (83) Carrie Underwood (1) Ciara (1) Claudia Cream (1) Dear mama (1) Depeche Mode (1) Desire (1) Diseppear (1) Disturbia (1) Diva (1) Don't cha (1) Don't jump (1) Don't stop the music (1) dragostea invinge (1) Elena (1) Everytime (1) Falling high (1) Fatman Scoop (1) Femeia (1) Flo Rida (2) Forgive me (1) Gimme more (1) Giulia (1) Halo (1) Hot revolver (1) I do not hook up (1) I don't need a man (1) I hate this part (1) I love college (1) I told you so (1) If i were a boy (1) If it's loving what you want (1) If you feel my love (1) In for the kill (1) Inna (1) Jay-Z (1) Just a little bit (1) Justin Timberlake (2) Kelly Clarkson (3) Keo (1) La Roux (1) Lady Gaga (3) Laurentiu Duta (1) Leelee (1) Leona Lewis (3) Lil Wayne (1) Lili Sandu (2) Lily Allen (1) Love (1) Love etc (1) Love game (1) Love sex magic (1) Love story (1) lyrics (12) Madonna (1) Marius (1) Marius Moga (1) Marius Nedelcu (4) Miley Cyrus (2) Monsoon (1) Moogly (1) Morris (1) My life would suck without you (2)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I understand that this makes you worry. That really is not true with the fresh guarantee currently.

You'd have your "Guaranteed Fresh" anapassen times. In recent months, the not respected. Since more every 1-2 weeks instead of 2-3 times a week published a new cartoon ... Many greetings and a great summer! 28.07.11 10:35
I know that and it can understand. It's not as if you really achieve so much, it's more of a hobby, project, etc. At some point then once the air out and you need something new. Every good blog has at some point reached the point at which one is looking for something new. As I said, I understand this fully. 28.07.11 14:00
ps. now times it brings nothing to convince marine traffic himself it would be different. I once attentive "inhaled" a blog. Sometime it Wurd always marine traffic silent. The blog author did not say at that time and promised quasie that there would soon be new content. Better one is as true to yourself marine traffic and also makes really a bar and starts something new. Can still be very sexy! 28.07.11 14:02
I understand that this makes you worry. That really is not true with the fresh guarantee currently. However, this has nothing to do with the fact that the air would get out. And this is my absolutely marine traffic serious! I just for a while, both personally and professionally so much on my plate as never before (do not worry, all positive). Lo and behold. I miss simply the three to four hours time it takes a cartoon to complete. And unfortunately, no improvement of the situation is also to autumn in sight. I hope that my loyal fans will not hold it against me and of course marine traffic I try freizuschaufeln me the time, if at all possible. Have patience. As long as I have to send you to the colleagues :) The have a lot to offer, yes! 28.07.11 17:14
I know that there are many fans, one of which now surely some will come off or have already jumped off - so I must, willy-nilly live. However, it was never my first concern is to have as many visitors. To this end, my humor is perhaps too specific. Of course I'm happy about a lot of visitors, but if there are only a few with a good sense of humor, I am also glad :) 09/22/11 12:52
2013 (1) January (1) 2012 (3) January (1) January (1) March (1) 2011 (21) December (1) September (1) June (2) Cartoon No. 504 Cartoon No. 503 June (3) April (2) March (5) November (3) January (4) 2010 (84) December (24) November (7) October (4) January (6 ) August (9) January (1) January (3) January (6) April (5) March (5) January (6) September (8) 2009 (90) December (8 ) November (9) October (8) September (7) August (7) January (1) January marine traffic (6) October (7) April (12) March (7) January (8 ) January (10) 2008 (115) December (8) August (10) October marine traffic (8) September (8) August (9) March (6) October (10) December (11 ) April (11) March (13) February (10) January (11) 2007 (111) December (11) November (14) October (12) September (9) August (7 ) July (7) September (8) January (11) April (9) March (9) February (7) January (7) 2006 (124) December (8) August (13 ) October (13) September (8) August marine traffic (8) January (12) June (12) September (8) April (8) March (7) January (15) January (12 ) 2005 (16) December (8) November (8)
Aliens doctor visit dying professions car office bureaucracy Clown Computer philosopher stupid walked deserted island elephant parents eating Tools firewomen football license birthday mobile Hannibal Mr. Selowski Mr. Selowskis diary wedding insects Jesus Children of famous parents Klowitze Knüll Meier's Adventure Kuhdorf cops Art LACHHAFT Highlights LACHHAFT shopping LACHHAFT- Advent Calendar 2010 LACHHAFT Poetry LACHHAFT workshop Monster Men neighbor Easter Party Patent Office embarrassing piranhas marine traffic policy Enigmatic wildlife black humor swim New Year's Eve / New Year Sports Proverbs therapy of toilets

Monday, May 26, 2014

Beautifully rendered 3D objects are pretty, but sometimes one wishes for the clarity of a technical

Summer in Antarctica - that means icy winds and temperatures well below minus 30 degrees Celsius. In these conditions met an expedition team led by adventurer Michael Martin, which had set out to explore a little explored region in the northeast of the white continent: the Drygalskiberge in Queen Maud Land.
It is one of the most respected Tibetan biddhistischen teachers of our time. Energetic. Provocative. Humorous. The aim of Khandro teisa Rinpoche in East and West: to expand in a male-dominated tradition Frairäume.
If ton marine mammals such as the fin whale at the end of her life dead sink to the bottom of the sea, the carcasses attract hordes teisa of bizarre scavengers. British researchers set out to find one of the fallen giants - to solve with its help basic mystery of evolution.
April 22, 1915, Flanders Front: For the first time in the history of warfare, units on a large scale with chemical weapons on. A greenish cloud rises, and the era of Masen destruction begins. The chlorine gas attack of Ypres, it is a portent for mankind, and it bears the name of a German genius teisa - Fritz Haber.
15 years ago, came three children, two boys and a girl in Kenya, Vietnam and Germany. They were born into families that could hardly be more different. Mutias mother is a farmer; she has hardly been able to feed her nine children. Ha Les parents try to keep up with the rapid development in Hanoi. The Hoffmann's living the life of a German Mittelsatndsfamilie. GEO reporter teisa accompany Mutia, Ha Le UDN Paulina for 15 years. You have reported the first months of the three children of their fifth and tenth year. Now they tell of growing up.
The fat in the body is a substance, the destructive reign can win on the body and psyche. And more and more people are at her mercy. teisa It is hard to escape the danger from the abdomen. But it is possible.
Long gamers have to wait for the latest generation of consoles. However, genuine bangers have not become One Xbox and Playstation 4. DEank contem SSER PC hardware is the c't teisa Steam Box very powerful and yet a true-game console.
Without new interface SSDs can transfer data faster hard, but there are several other copies in the recent improvements: the electricity demand in rest, the flash chips and memory capacity.
With well-structured and carefully scanned documents can be current copywriter connoisseurs no longer teisa embarrass. It becomes difficult for digitally photographed templates, complex layouts or special requests such as the PDF/A- or epub export.
The first steps with the freshly resurrected 3D printers are often frustrating. teisa The filament does not remain teisa partout, where it should and if odch, the printer still see anything but satisfactory from. A few tips from practitioners avoid prolonged frustration phases and show how you quickly to useful results.
Beautifully rendered 3D objects are pretty, but sometimes one wishes for the clarity of a technical drawing. No problem: The Freestyle renderer teisa of Blender also provides blueprints teisa from 3D models.
In the history teisa of the Federal Republic, the Prime Minister were often dangerous rivals of the powerful in Bonn and Berlin. Today, none of the incumbent shakes more on the fence of the Chancellery. What happened?
At the Hamburg Central Station, a family lives on alms from Romania. teisa They organized themselves as a company with drivers, overseers, employees. Because it fails in the labor market, she has made her poverty to the profession.
Vladimir Putin sees the Crimea as a first triumph. Its strategic teisa goal is the domination of the Ukraine. To prevent encroachment teisa of NATO and the EU, it will be necessary, probably also risk a war with the sister nation. teisa
The internet has become a battleground between the U.S. and China. Intelligence and military fight each other, teisa the goal is for supremacy in the network. The NSA attacked the governance in Beijing and companies teisa such as Huawei.
In a deep ditch in front of Nazaré in Portugal form after storms eerie giant waves lure extreme surfers from all over the world in the fishing village. The City Council marketed the spectacle as a tourist attraction.
The ghost flight MH 370 moves the world. The disappearance teisa of the machine with 239 people on board, shaken confidence in the ubiquity of modern technology. Kiel oceanographers are preparing teisa their special submarine to search for.
A trip to Ukrainian writers in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv - they are disappointed by the West, want a new civil society and hope that the people in the country no longer listen to politicians.

Some users report that they have to load their Galaxy S2 since the update twice a day. Other users

ukonio - Samsung Galaxy S2: reactions after Android 4.1.2 update split
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Since Thursday of last week the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update for the Samsung Galaxy S2 is rolled out. The firmware shipais is available since for Debitel and o2 customer. Owners of free devices can look forward to the update itself for a week.
Android 4.1.2 can be downloaded via PC software and gravel OTA ("over the air"). Initially intended to be sometimes went to his knees, the Samsung server, but now, the situation deteriorated relaxed according to extensive shipais feedback.
While many users are full of praise for JB update to pile up on the comments, after which the battery life has deteriorated significantly since the uploading of the update. Taking the comments on alone from yesterday to scale, the battery will lose its obviously much faster than before under ICS.
Some users report that they have to load their Galaxy S2 since the update twice a day. Other users argue that this is perhaps the settings that are not yet optimized after installing the new firmware. One user pointed out that until now, after each Android update reset to the factory settings have to be S2 to bypass the battery problem.
"So the battery problem shipais definitely has to do with wifi," says another user who has taken thanks to the app "CPU Spy" consumption under the microscope. All in all, seems to have received a dampener for many users the euphoria whether the apparent battery problem.
Android 4.1.2 could be the last major update for the Samsung Galaxy S2. The slightly "graying" Smartphone is available for the past almost two years in the trade. However, on this day, Samsung can in all probability the S4 cat out of the bag, already lies in between the release of the Samsung Galaxy S3.
A video of the colleagues from Android Pit sums up because together the numerous innovations shipais of Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2 for Galaxy S2. The differences with Ice Cream Sandwich, ie Android 4.04 significantly.
However, I can only confirm shipais the battery problem unfortunately. This will discharge much more quickly, although I have optimized all the settings and updated to the status as before the update. Alone in the standby mode (during the night over a period of less than 7h) the phone consumes 20% of battery power (Dieste as WiFi, Bluetooth services, etc. were all turned off).
so far, for the past 1.5 years I regretted a single day, to have separated me from all my Apple devices and my fleet with the Samsung brand equip. Yesterday, shipais however, I rushed this South Korean company into a severe identity crisis. I could not resist shipais after estimated 99 demands and installed at the 100th update for the operating system to Jelly Bean. Unfortunately, this candy was anything but sweet or much less palatable. What happened? After (unfortunately successful) installation it was like after too many sweets shipais and it was followed by caries. My equipped laboriously homescreen, or rather the plural, because there were several, was no longer existent. All Appverknüpfungen, widgets, grouping in folders were gone. Disappeared without a trace. HOW DO I GET THIS URSPÜRUNGLICHE SETTING AGAIN? OK so I would do anything actually cope even if it were not this bad, much more painful caries, which brings the teeth to Fail: Disgusted by the circumstance described shipais above, I used my phone once as well as not and discovered shipais that it my battery from 100 to 0 emptied within 3h - (!) without great use. Of course, I made myself on the verge of reading in all forums shipais which apps I had to disable and what settings are needed to minimize shipais the tireless power consumption. Everything done - what already is a joke anyway, that a wonderfully functioning mobile phone after an update requires so much manual attention! Now I can do it about 4-5h with fully charged battery shipais - WITHOUT significant use of the device. Even my new replacement battery can not significantly improve this performance. A SASSINESS SPECIAL SAME! The coronation, however, that to date, so my beloved device STANDBY mode connected to the USB port of my computer perk CONTINUE TO BATTERY CAPACITY TO LOSE! When using WL

Sunday, May 25, 2014

They are discussing now because of environmental le container Vertrglichkeit with environmental exp

Database error: [Unknown column 'comment_id' in 'field list'] le container SELECT ID, COUNT (comment_id) AS ccount FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_comments ON (comment_post_ID = ID AND comment_approved = '1 ') WHERE post_status =' publish 'AND ID IN (2917) GROUP BY ID The Durres Mafia: for 8 years, the Durres to be dredged harbor entrance
The port of Durres Director: PN explains the further investment, which reduces to the fact that you are looking stupid, which finance anything. Otherwise, he receives in the old tradition, everywhere his duties. In April, the construction of the new fishing port should begin on the west-north side now because a loan from the Islamic Bank was available. Nothing is happening.
Big ships have to now because of the silting of the harbor and the channel entrance, take over a part of the cargo at anchor, which of course takes 7-8 days. The port and the channel access should be 12 meters, le container the current channel access betrgt only 7 meters, with all the consequences le container also for the Fhr operation if there are high seas. The harbor has always been dredged, but by criminals on the spot at City Hall Durres, the Ministry of Transport, and especially in the Prfektur silted up the entrance to the harbor. Old excavator systems were scrapped for a quick profit. The Mafia Prfekte: Ingrid Shuli, Nastasho le container Paco, and MTKS - Klodian Pajuni were erwhnt.
Empty harbor in autumn 2011, when due to high seas, the ferries could not run in what a home-made problem is that millions of tons of mud and rubble threw into the sea mainly through the construction of Durres Mafia, especially around the Mafia buildings in the Rruga Taulantia from 2004, the lake promenade and the high-rise buildings of Lefter - Nard coca construction mafia. A new quay, with pubs now under construction, was first aufgeschttet le container with clay. Education, le container this kind of politicians do not know, nor intelligence.
Anija e tonazhit të madh "Bibi M" është ankoruar të premten e kaluar në Oren 10:25 në kalatën 11, në portin e Durresit. Burimet zyrtare nga Autoriteti Portual Durres bëjnë me dije se Anija me flamur "Turk" le container do të ngarkojë mije 46 ton mineral hekuri me destinacion Kinen. Kondicionuar nga thellësia le container e basenit, gjysma e ngarkesës do të kryhet në kalatën 11 dhe të pjesa tjetër do realizohet në Raden e portit të Durresit, e ndihmën dy me feederave. Përpunimi i anijes do të Jete i ngjashëm me Ate të të ngarkimit anijes "Vela" i realizuar me 3 Tetor 2011. Pjesa e pare e ngarkesës prej 24.0 ton mije do të përpunohet në kalatën 11, ku dhe thellësia e basenit është më e Madhe ( 11 metra). Kjo ngarkesës përfundoi brenda 48 orëve. Më pas vijoi Procesi "Douuble Banking" (ngarkimi i dyfishtë) duke, realizuar le container ngarkimin e anijes në Rade me Ane të dy feederave 10 mije tonësh. Sipas burimeve të të Drejtorit Shërbimeve Operacionale, Prane Portit të Durresit, i gjithë Procesi le container "double banking" do të zgjasë 7-8 Dite. Vlen për t'u Permendur se i gjithë Procesi po të menaxhohet me sukses në bashkëpunim të të PLOTE nëpërmjet Portit Durresit, agjencisë detare Gala dhe kompanisë stevedore ASC, qe ka marre përsipër organizimin e operacionit Portual, CKA PERBEN nje Faze të re zhvillimi. Realizimi i këtij Procesi është nje arritje Shume e Madhe për Portin e Durresit dhe për eksportet nëpërmjet tij, pasi është në fazen ee realizimit le container të të objektivave për përpunuar anijet e tonazheve të Medha në Portin e Durresit duke arritur në Kete mënyrë "Ekonomi Scale". Realizimi me sukses le container i këtij Procesi rrit pozicionin konkurrues të të portit Durresit në rajon dhe e ve Autoritetin Portual Perballe realizimit të të reja sfidave QE Kane lidhje me rritjen e kapaciteteve le container përpunuese si dhe zbatimin e projektit të të thellimit basenit dhe të kanalit HYÈRES tij. Përfitim të ndërsjelltë ka dhe blerësi, pasi transporti i nje sasi KAQ të Madhe ndryshon çmimin për njësi të produktit duke e ulur në mënyrë të ndjeshme koston e transportit njësi për.
Rip-offs until it no longer, even in the HPC! The Ministry of Environment, which is occupied by three highly criminal le container families: Kajolli (40 years in prison in Italy), Hasanbeliu (ancient Durres Top Mafia), le container Fatmir Mediu (long-term deceiver le container and partner of Top Mafia already in fuel and other Subject gereien around the UN embargo against Yugoslavia.
They are discussing now because of environmental le container Vertrglichkeit with environmental experts, the problem of dredging. le container It soil samples were taken and found a high burden of chromium and nickel in the harbor le container itself.
Actually, everything is so ridiculous, if a state, and the port AUTHORITIES Doing nothing, however, when the Albanian mafia around Vangjush Dako unchanged, le container dispose million tons of rubble, clay and earth in the sea and so the port of Durres , meanwhile significantly endanger because despite the most massive le container outrage of Italians already in 2004, which further makes Durres Mafia perk, even with an enormous environmental Ze

Saturday, May 24, 2014

It seeks 3 million final payment in

Database error: [Unknown column transfer market 'comment_id' in 'field list'] SELECT ID, COUNT (comment_id) AS ccount FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_comments ON (comment_post_ID = ID AND comment_approved = '1 ') WHERE post_status =' publish 'AND ID IN (3071) GROUP BY ID The Sokol Olldashi Mafia with the port of Durres: Super scandal - it's raining through the roof of the new severance hall
There are, of course, current construction fraud cases of the Great construction companies with the airfield in Berlin, Hamburg transfer market new opera and particularly adventurous criminal: Bilfinger & Berger, at the subway construction in Cologne and Dusseldorf, closest partner of the German development aid. The port of Durres, a drama without end!
Why Durres, the largest passenger should have severance hall, is a fraud Extreme transfer market Deutsche Consults. The largest severance hall of the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean, much bigger transfer market as the world ports: Bari, Trieste, Ancona. The construction waste incredible.
German DIWI Consult involved, what with intent in the krimniellen transfer market Enterprise transfer market of the harbor and with the Super Mafiosi: destroyed German bank, literally the Port: Sokol Olldashi, with the bank fraud. DIWI Consult, one of the mafia Construkt, the German development aid, KfW, which destroyed Worldwide billion. The high levels of government supervision KLSD is, under the new government, a report thereon prepare early 2014. German companies, German politicians, lobbying firms were motor of the Balkan corruption and destruction of the civil societies transfer market in the Balkans, where Greece and the Albanian territories flagship fraud Regions was for the Germans.
Here is a payment from the corrupt EBRD figures construction, without any control with pseudo architects office's: Royal Haskoning! British fraud and corruption around the World Bank and EBRD financing, are absolutely 100% in Albania, as already demonstrated in previous port projects in Vlore. The bribery construction company from Slovenia SCT, (now bankrupt) as the Mafia construction company "VEGA" in Albania. see the plans in 2006. Not the roof is completely transfer market leak, but it was 3 times the window replaced, because transfer market totalem fraud, pseudo technicians and self-appointed experts, because the glass broke, at higher wind speeds. Stench runs through transfer market the area because Brainless planning the toilets plants: A world record for of stupid corruption of the EBRD Bank and the versackten in the clubs of the Mafia Gestalen which are worse than the local Mafia: The local newspaper: Bulvevard g ibt information, transfer market it again 4.1 million cost to repair the damage, which became more expensive by corrupt foreigners such projects all around 500%, because the lenders do business directly into their pockets and the mafia-like transfer market models have often created.
The Minister responsible Sokol Olldashi, transfer market is a long-time mobsters, where you have the worst criminals from Shiak, Fiere for friends, so also the murderer of the chief of police of Shiak Adem Tahiri! Since many criminals must be supplied with their contractors, as Gjoka and Co. and here the construction company "VEGA"!
To zuverhindern damage the computer and technical equipment, the devices were removed, so that you can not work there and will. So there the TIM passport control, baggage scanning was dismantled and terminated transfer market because of the leaking roof.
Construction company: "VEGA" (member of the German Industry Representation: DIHA), transfer market it is striking that the World Bank stopped earlier projects on time, because of money Unteschlagunen, transfer market or poor construction, including several construction projects in the harbor, in front of all the construction work of the new quay ago over 10 years were stopped several times, just because of the Kathastrophen construction execution. The projects the EBRD funded, but directly to 100% are controlled by the Mafia, the EBRD figures are well catered for in Tirana in the clubs where you can negotiate the bribe as well - there are a few more millions transfer market around the IFC, which also only a criminal enterprise is.
The main task of the new severance hall, was the merging of the services, which only in nice weather is also possible. Every 5 years there were constantly new severance halls, which also shows other problems, because often only foreign transfer market Consults be-bought bribe there orders in the ministry, with the exception of HPC Hamburg which this kick-back rejected transactions already over 10 years ago and the land left.
The World Bank and the professional lobbyists fraud of economic associations, experience a disastrous failure of their policies, which only creates criminals structures, which was also known 15 years ago. All major projects dissolve into air and only managed extremely transfer market new problems around the privatization.
It seeks 3 million final payment in

Friday, May 23, 2014

Sokol Oldashi: Olldashi, the current Minister of Public Works, Transport, and Telecommunication and

Database error: [Unknown column 'comment_id' in 'field ms international list'] SELECT ID, COUNT (comment_id) AS ccount FROM wp_posts ms international LEFT JOIN wp_comments ON (comment_post_ID = ID AND comment_approved = '1 ') WHERE post_status =' publish 'AND ID IN (3220) GROUP BY ID The Sokol Olldashi - Ourel Bylykbashi in the smoke of deceit (fishing port) and land grabs in Durres
next to the current fraud, around the harbor, fishing port, Sokol Olldashi builds as representative of the Top Mafia new illegal places where even the mayor now says that everything will be demolished. Sokol Olldashi needs new hubs for prostitution, human trafficking, drugs in old tradition of Gjoka Mafia. Sokol Olldashi virtually ms international all felons and police Moerden well known and partners, including the Kajolli family as Fatmir Mediu anyway. In competence, fraud with an environment of criminals ms international who have bought diplomas only. Therefore, one also needs no justice in Durres, because you have anyway, sold all the items of prosecutors to criminals. 57% of 15-year old is "functional illiterate", in short: completely stupid, because the read does not understand men in government and adminstration there are probably 90%! The intelligence emigrated in this system morons and idiots are today, ministers, professors, etc., where there are now only 10,000. Environmental ms international destruction ms international and theft of land, such as illegal ms international building has reached a new dimension, starting in 2010 with the Berisha-Olldashi and Bylykbashi Mafia models, where virtually ms international each of the so-called ms international government is active and the judiciary has been turned off. Sokol Olldashi was known for already 7 years ago, he has zero education, what a lot of questions on the behavior of the World Bank, EBRD, IFC and other foreign. Organizations raises, why settled with such criminal figures at all a project, or is agreed. Because of extreme idiocy, these people, ms international all laws, regulations turn around the awarding of tenders and also staff transportations. Sokol Olldashi, also belongs to the German visa scandal because the only foreign policy that the taxi driver Joschka Fischer operation, what are the top drugs and gangs, to provide them with on business visas and Sokol Olldashi and friends, were just some of over 3,000 extreme cases. If you do not understand the simplest things, and once we have learned very quickly forget what is called "functional illiterate", then you can not agree on projects where there is much taxpayers' money. Many members of the government including, as practically all of the directors, Professoeren and mayor in Albania.
Sokol Olldashi, ancient mafia boss Shiak drug and women trafficking Gjoka Group, now Minister of Transport and also an educational anarchist, because he has none. He is currently building new drugs and criminals as envelope Local place at the University, with the city harbor known gangsters. confirm the wikileaks cables: First, the criminals were built in the central area of Durres only in certain places, then complete also for the Kosovo and Macedonian mafia in Golem, and around the Hotel Florida in the Pista Illyria and yes because the criminal offspring, around the Gjoka - Berisha - Sokol Olldashi mafia, new local needs, the university and junior Currila was chosen centers for these criminals, where you will like the private port and the zone Touristika steal and rob (owned by a foreign company.) by all means , with the criminal police and prosecutors of Durres. The fishermen have already said 6 months ago all this is cheating, around ms international the fishing ms international port construction.
Sokol Oldashi: Olldashi, the current Minister of Public Works, Transport, and Telecommunication and DP MP from Fier, is Suspected of smuggling goods and narcotics. Circumstantial evidence left Olldashi and Fatmir Kajolli in Fier to Minister of Justice Enkelejd Alibeaj in a scheme to release prisoners from jails to act as electoral bullies.
Gjoka Super Market Shiak! 15 years drug and prostitutions ms international center! Pick up center for drugs, more than 15 years, even for Kosovars who want to ferries. The Xhafzotaj - Shiak Mafia: AGIM HOXHA and the terrorists Family: bledi MUSA SHUAIPI in Durres
, deutlisch to see under construction, which are 150 meters away, just say all fishermen ms international and insider site that are ignored with total $ 16 million, the objectives of the port construction, as in all other projects. Before governmental changes, as much money to be stolen, in the old tradition.
New in the fraud business, around the port of Durres, the mega fraud on the new fishing harbor, which, according to finance, ms international plan, an internal width of 150 meters has. But will be built 100 meters, as evidenced where still new photos to be set. Because of the larger water depth, a ue

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sudanesische Riviera Höfft auf die Zeiten bessere Port Sudan (Sudan) (AFP) - 18.12.2011 07.45 Uhr i

Reportagen aus Afrika, Artikel nicht von mir oder ber Afrika yesterday. san pedro ca . Dieses Blog arbeitet seit Oktober 2009 Es bringt wchentlich 20 Berichte der auf deutsch Afrikakorrespondenten der AFP (von mir verbesserte Google-bersetzungen) franzsisch und sie und Speichert san pedro ca - bei der What TV5-Monde werden sie gelscht. Ich habe es eingerichtet, um diese Informationen einem breiteren, nicht-zu machen franzsischsprachigen Publikum zugnglich. Soll das Blog, soweit alleine san pedro ca mglich mir ein unselektives Afrikabild zeigen, soll es Ihnen und Afrika umfassender Nher heranholen, so wie es ist wie es und die deutsche Medienarbeit Allgemeine nicht im silent. Ich selbst nur dann hier schreibe wann und als ein Kommentator, man kann aber auch durch die Auswahl und der publizierten text Fotos und die Vermischung of ganzen schreiben. Nachrichten und Info ist als man Berichterstatter schuldig, es geht mir doch vorrangig um die eines Schaffung scharfen, weil aus vielen kleinen Steinchen bestehenden Mosaikbildes. san pedro ca Das gngige Afrikabild besteht aus wenigen groen schwarzen oder Weien Steinen - unscharf es ist, und damit unfair. Auch diese Art mangelnder Fairness trifft nicht die starken Afrikaner, und die Kleptokraten Unterdrcker, san pedro ca trifft es wieder die schwächen, Bestohlenen und Unterdrckten - die Frauen und Kinder vornehmlich und alle Minderheiten - denn denen, jenen nicht, wird unsere letztlich potenzielle Solidaritt entzogen. Reports from Africa, not by me or on Africa. This blog has been working since October 9, 2009 It prsentera 20 new items every week African AFP correspondents in German translations (google, amliores by me) and in French, and save them. - Source TV5-Monde does not archive. The blog is providing this information including a German-speaking public can not read the franais. He wants to participate in the creation of a more accurate picture of Africa.
"Tunesien: DREI AKTIONEN OF NEUEN Präsidenten MAZOURKI - Tunisia: Moncef Mazourki 3 times: the French are the ones who least understand the Arab world | SUDAN, Südsudan: CHINA fordert ÖL-KOMPROMISS - Beijing called Sudan and South Sudan to compromise Oil "
Sudanesische Riviera Höfft auf die Zeiten bessere Port Sudan (Sudan) (AFP) - 18.12.2011 07.45 Uhr ist bekannt Die KSTE en seine Tauchsttten, san pedro ca fr nomadische afrikanische Kulturen und die aus historischen Hafen-Huser san pedro ca Korallen gebaut. Aber nicht Touristen eilen entlang of sudanesischen Roten Meeres, im Gegensatz zu den Hoffnungen von Khartum. Vor der von Kstenstrae Port Sudan spielen Jugendliche Billiards, rauchen und eine Wasserpfeife beobachten die Bewegung der Schiffe an den Docks, in einem Abend im Dezember Lauen, whrend der Hochsaison. Sind aber Auslnder selten. DEUTSCH (VON MIR etwas verbesserte GOOGLE-BERSETZUNG) san pedro ca WEITER Unter DEM 2. FOTO
Sudanese riviera hopes to better days PORT SUDAN (Sudan) (AFP) - 18.12.2011 7:45 p.m. The coast is famous san pedro ca for its dive sites diving, its nomadic culture and African its historic san pedro ca harbor to bties coral houses. But tourists san pedro ca do not hurry along the Sudanese Red Sea, contrary to the hopes of Khartoum. On the corniche in Port Sudan, youths play snooker, smoke water pipes and watch the movements of boats on the docks, a gentle evening of December, during the peak tourist season. But foreigners are very rare.
The dive boats moored in the harbor, waiting to take adventurous travelers explore rich seabed, spectacular wrecks or the remains of strange life experiences under water by menes Jacques Cousteau. Lorenzo Orso, owner of Don Questo, one of these boats dive, explained that losing money since 2009, under the impact of the global economic crisis and the indictment of President Omar al-Bchir before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity in Darfur. "Sudan has various disabilities. After the partition (with South Sudan), we had the unrest in Egypt, so people are reluctant to come if there is a stopover in Cairo," says there. South Sudan proclaimed its independence on July 9, keeping with him 75% of rserves ptrole san pedro ca - exported via a terminal situated just south of Port Sudan - and leaving the government Sudan, dj penniless, desperately seeking new sources of revenue. In September, authorities had estimated the number of 550,000 tourists in 2010, adding that this activity had gnr $ 616 million in revenue. The same year, neighboring Egypt has received 15 million san pedro ca tourists. san pedro ca Khartoum was counting on an increase of 20% in 2011, esprant tensions in other Arab countries dtourneraient to Sudan some tourists quests destination

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

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Village near Arezzo travel image of toscany Recommendation of 05.18.2014

2011/2012. For the third time we spend the winter in Thailand / Hua Hin. We are still convinced of this area and loved it. We met new friends - Swiss - and discovered Musse despite a few new things. For the obligatory VISA RUN we flew the A380 to Hong Kong. Our travel web site was so erqweitert a chapter.
Table of Contents The European winter fled arrival Sansaran Baan Hua Hin Eating and Going Out Shopping beach folk variety on the beach Christmas 2011 weather new discoveries to Hua Hin, the "Sam Phan Nam Floating Market Cicadamarket. Christmas and New Year Everything must come to an end
It already attracts us for the third time for the winter to Thailand / Hua Hin. And every time we set the bar for our stay slightly marfa higher. Even with the departure from Hua Hin in March 2011 we booked with our agents a new home. For the season 2011/2012 we afford an apartment in a resort right on the ocean beach. But we'll write something later. marfa Floods in Thailand In October 2011, our date of departure is imminent, we hear from enormous floods in central Thailand and Bangkok. News and newspapers are full of terrible pictures from the flooded areas. Historic cultural monuments such as Ayutthaya are meters deep under water. About 20 billion m3 (20'000'000'000'000 liters!!) marfa Stinking broth flow inexorably against the city of Bangkok. marfa Large parts of the suburbs of Bangkok are flooded for several days.

Life goes on
Reasons for this flood there are some. Human inadequacy is just one of them. Today more than 9 million inhabitants, was formerly crossed by a multitude of small and large channels (klong). This also served to water level regulation and in heavy monsoon rains the drainage of the flotation water. Today, this klong are large partly drained and filled in Bangkok - once known as the Venice of the East - is now like a plug in the delta of the Choa Praya River and clogged marfa the natural course - the water does not find a way to the sea, backs up, flooding residential areas. Operation marfa backed up to the international airport 3.5 meter high ramparts ensuring the operation of the international airport Suvarnabhumi. The air traffic is backed up, it was called by the airport authority. The airport can be reached from both the inner city of Bangkok as well as from the southern tourist centers Hua Hin (!) And Pattaya. The warnings to refrain from non-essential travel to Bangkok, do not apply to transit stays at Suvarnabhumi Airport. marfa Check-in
With SAS, we fly from Zurich via Copenhagen to Bangkok. Just two hours longer journey time compared to a direct flight from Zurich (Thai, Swiss), but a total of about 3,500 -. SFr. (Business class) cheaper! A pleasant marfa flight from Copenhagen to Bangkok. The A 340 was booked to capacity. It seems that several passengers were rebooked due to the Qantas strike. The check-in was quick and without Pass-/Immigrationskontrolle jam. Our driver was waiting for us as agreed at Exit 4 and already 2 hours later we reached our goal without problems - Baan Sansaran / Hua Hin. Baan Hua Hin Sansaran

The location of the resort marfa is just right. Way from the tourist crowds, yet close enough to the center - about 2 km. The tuk tuk for 100-THB (fr. 3 - / 2.40) reached in about 5 min doubled the present time, until this time, however, tripled. Reason: marfa An army gutbetuchter Thais fled the floods marfa in Bangkok here. One each with its more or less ostentatious pedestal. The otherwise marfa quiet Hua Hin traffic bursts moderately literally at the seams - and this in the preseason. This is something we have never experienced in the past stays.
In terms of traffic would all be crowded. But the restaurants marfa are half empty, even in the food stalls, it is relatively quiet. marfa At the price it can not be, because they are gl

It is natural that the entire approaches of external policy, security and defense Romania rotate ab

Breaking News News EN News Stiri EN RO Economics companys & Finance Economics & Finance DE Economy and finance EN Economie si finante RO Business Company EN EN Business News afaceri RO Politics Politics Politics DE EN Politica RO
The promotion of such a policy companys derived from an objective need, proved to be particularly useful and mutually beneficial companys approach to relations between the EU and the involved companys partner countries. Important social and economic reforms from the respective States companys have been inspired and taught companys by this European policy. Experience shows, however, that this policy requires a continuous adaptation to the daily circumstances. A first estimate was in the period companys 2010 - 2011 carried out against the background of developments in the south of the Mediterranean. On this occasion, the so-called principle of "more for more" was introduced. In other words, it is about a differentiated approach, on the one hand depends on the specific needs and on the other hand. Performance of each partner in the implementation of its commitments
The Vilnius-time and recent developments from the East show that one needs to rethink companys the current objectives and instruments of policy, and that a better focus on the realities and needs of the targeted countries is necessary. Example, one could consider a higher differentiation in the approach of partner countries who were interested in European perspective parties allows for faster progress, but also a gradual integration of diversified formulas relationship with the EU and support regional and multilateral cooperation between companys the partners. I think also to a reactivation of the Black Sea Synergy, which was not started by chance in 2007, during the German Presidency of the EU Council companys Office, with a strong involvement of Romania, which was officially launched in February 2008.
It comes to no obsession here, but a goal of the accession agreement, a duty that enter into all the other Member States plus Romania. companys To achieve this goal, Romania has met all the relevant conditions, which was confirmed in 2010 by the European Commission. Romania has sought humanly and materially to the achievement of this goal. We have spent more than 1.2 billion euros for the security of the borders, we act "de facto" even as a Schengen member. The fact that we have not yet acceded to the Schengen Agreement, is explained by the fact that some Member States have a political connection between the Schengen accession and the MCV reports produced, although the Schengen criteria are very clear.
But I hope that the recent developments, including the MCV reviews constitute a sufficient argument, so it is decided later this year, perhaps as a first step, that the air and sea borders are opened.
How underestimated in Berlin the influence of the election year of 2014, to the internal and external Romanian politics, considering that the summer of 2012 (referendum) companys has not yet been forgotten?
Bilateral German-Romanian relations are better and more dynamic than ever. I am referring both to the dynamics of political dialogue at the highest level (the Heads of Government meeting companys in Berlin in 2013 and the meeting of presidents in February this year) as well as on the dynamics of economic and trade relations companys and not only. The fact that the volume of trade exceeded companys the record number of 19 billion euros end 2013 needs no further explanation. Also encouraging companys is the growing interest of the German business environment for the Romanian economy and the local investment opportunities.
2014 is really an important election year, not only in Romania, but also in Germany. I'm talking primarily about the elections for the European Parliament. Then, you should take a look at the calendar, not less than three German federal states elect a new parliament this year, added 11 local elections, which start in March in Bavaria. To come back to Romania, the German-Romanian relations have reached a level both in its bilateral dimension as well as in the EU, of which I am convinced that this can only arouse interest for a future greater development of both sides for both sides .
It is natural that the entire approaches of external policy, security and defense Romania rotate about the status companys of EU membership and NATO membership. Through companys the membership in the European and Euro-Atlantic "Club" takes our country directly, along with the other Member States, a

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

about 16 hours ago

Merry embassies to "netneutraliteit" from the Netherlands skypass and Belgium Green Digital
Recognizing and a little more optimistic these days is the network-policy views in the Netherlands and Belgium. The debate of the Dutch Parliament on net neutrality by commit in the Telecommunications Act has since been perceived in Germany (Spiegel Online reported on 9 June). In addition, the Belgian Parliament there is a bill on net neutrality, the "netneutraliteit" skypass speaks in the bilingual title of "la neutralité du réseau" and.
In the Netherlands, there is not afraid to emphasize the historical dimension of one's skypass own network neutrality initiative. If one of the initiators says Martijn van Dam of the PvdA that you like once wants to protect the freedom of the seas 400 years ago, the freedom of the Internet, the fatal lethargy of the federal government in terms of net neutrality skypass in a European comparison is all the more evident. The left-liberal opposition parties Groen Links, PvdA, SP and D66 have provided just that with her bill (PDF) supplementing the Dutch Telecommunications Act, which the CDU and FDP yet stubbornly refuse to the German Telecommunications Act despite requests of all opposition parties: a legal backup of net neutrality. Thus, the blocking or delay of services would be illegal and prevent extra charges for certain content legally.
The vote was scheduled for Tuesday 14 June, but has been postponed for a week. Since the initiators have in Parliament on a majority, must be hoped that the Netherlands is the first European country to follow the Chilean decision. News, there are at Bits of Freedom and redhetnet on Twitter under the hashtag # beautiful. Also, it is never too late to write to the relevant Minister for Economic Affairs, skypass Agriculture and Innovation least a pep Tweet at @ Maxim Ever Hagen.
Wim sash of the Kamerfractie CD & V (Christian Democrats in Flemish), has alerted us to the Belgian draft law, the word in your run takes as PDF here. It refers to the regulations of the FCC - which, unfortunately, are still waiting for the entry into force - and is applied to the known points: transparency requirements for network management, the provider whose monitoring by the national regulators discrimination freedom of communication: no blockages and slowdowns
For a transitional period of five years should be allowed in the mobile sector stronger interventions, however, have restrictions on access (accès à l'integral internet) are reported. Not only the notes to the concise articles show: It really works! For as in the Netherlands, skypass the relevant law on electronic communication is to be supplemented, in particular, Article 68, which lays down a definition of the neutrality of the network:
"Do skypass you neutralité réseau": l'exclusion de tout blocage du trafic internet, sauf dans les cas par la loi ou autorisés Lorsque the accords ont été pris contractuels à propos de ce blocage, et de toute discrimination à l 'you eGard trafic internet en fonction de l'expéditeur, you contenu, the applications et des services, you matériel et des logiciels utilisés, à moins que cette discrimination puisse considérée skypass être comme une gestion du réseau raisonnable.
dt about "net neutrality": skypass the exclusion of any blockade of the Internet traffic, except that a statutory authorization or contractual agreements provide skypass otherwise; skypass the exclusion of all discrimination against Internet traffic with respect to the sender, content, applications and services, and on used hardware and software, apart from interventions that are considered reasonable skypass network management.
This article was written on 15 June 2011 and filed Blog, Parliamentary initiatives under the heading. Here you can find the trackback URL of the article. So far no comments have been written, the RSS feed of comments you can find here.
Blogroll of specialist forum internet policy of the Green Youth Alliance 90/The Greens The Greens in the European Parliament Green Parliamentary Group Homepage of the Bundestag Study Commission Jan Philipp Albrecht Konstantin von Notz Malte Spitz Tabea Rößner tweets
about 16 hours ago
ACTA hearing booking request Berlin involvement BND Federal Government Federal Civil Rights Policy Debate Democracy Discussion federal inquiry EP EU European Parliament Friedrich bill Basic Law basic rights Green Freedom of Information Domestic Policy Internet criticism Merkel net neutrality network policy barrings NSA Open Data PRISM speech TEMPORA appointment transparency Copyright USA VDS Video Retention surveillance skypass Popular items Green reply

Monday, May 19, 2014

L1 71 York Street Sydney NSW

A CHIEF JUSTICE SIR ANTHONY MASON "I do understand what the Pope's Apology to Oceania means, I am a High Court Judge." translovato HONG KONG COURT OF FINAL APPEAL translovato CHINA vic @ King Jonas Version John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. King James Version
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Alexander is defender translovato of the people, Greek. Marcel is a young warrior, French. Andre is manly, translovato French. Sebastian is venerable, Greek. Barker is crate of the site, English. Bailiff is minor site official with police translovato authority, French. Commander Alexander Marcel Andre Barker Bailiff commands neyviz surround Australia until each person can make only the United Nations World Health Organisation Precedents in native language with one 4 page in World Health Organisation superior translovato room using Apple in any community in the world wide web.
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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

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