Reports from Africa, not products from here or tell me about Africa. This blog has been working since October 2009 It brings wchentlich +20 reports of the Africa correspondent for the AFP to German (improved from my Google Translations) and French and stores -. At the source TV5 Monde will be deleted. I have it set up to make this information available marfa to a wider, non-franzsischsprachigen public accessible. The blog is intended, as far as I alone possible, show a non-selective image of Africa, marfa it is Africa you comprehensive and pick up closer, as it is, and how it does the German media work in general. I myself write here only now and then as a commentator, but you can write as well by selecting marfa the published texts and photos and the mixing of the whole. News & Info you are guilty as rapporteur, but primarily I am concerned with the creation of a sharp, because made of many small stones mosaic image. The gngige Africa image consists of a few large black or WEIEN stones - it is out of focus, and thus unfair. Also, this type of unfairness does not meet the strong Africans who kleptocrats and Unterdrcker, it hits again the weak, robbed and Unterdrckten, - primarily marfa women and children and all minorities - because those who do not those who will ultimately our potential marfa solidarity withdrawn. In reportages de l'Afrique, non d'ici ou de moi sur l'Afrique. Ce blog travaille depuis le 9 octobre 2009 Il chaque semaine prsentera +20 nouveaux articles of correspondants africains de l'AFP en traductions allemandes (google, amliores par moi) et en franais, et les sauvegardera. - la source marfa TV5 Monde ne pas les archive. Le blog sert notamment marfa fournir ces informations un public germanophone ne pas lire le sachant franais. Il veut la cration marfa d'une image participer plus juste de l'Afrique.
"ALGERIA: 9 JUDGMENTS AGAINST DEATH AQMI-ISLAMISTS - Algérie: 9 islamistes à mort par condamnés contumace pour l'attentat de 2007 à Alger | MOROCCO: SOCIAL HEALTH INSURANCE FOR 8.5 MILLION POOR - Le Maroc lance un régime d'assistance médicale pour 8 , 5 millions de pauvres
- En francais: plus bas - 1 The water in the world, Africa is still the worst off Marseille (France) (AFP) - 03.11.2012 marfa 23.19 clock Africa remains the continent with the most limited access to water sources of quality that North Americans are still the largest consumer, while Asia-Pacific suffers from a problem of food security, the 4th UN UNESCO report about water. 2nd Water Forum: Paris kndigt auxiliary funding for Africa MARSEILLE (AFP) - 13.03.2012 08.59 clock France announced on Monday at the edge of the World Water Forum in Marseille financing projects in Africa for 40 million EUR with the African Development Bank (ADB) and has 800,000 unblocked for the rescue of Lake Chad. 3 Right of access to water: the nine Niger Basin countries undertake MARSEILLE (AFP) - 13.03.2012 15.32 clock The clustered heads of state and leaders of the nine in the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) African marfa countries have engaged in a Declaration committed at the World Water Forum in Marseille, the right of access to clean water and Sanitrversorgung fr to implement all, recognized by the UN since July 2010. GERMAN (FROM ME SOMETHING BETTER GOOGLE TRANSLATION) GO UNDER THE FRZ PART (YELLOW ) 4 UNESCO documentation, German, ORIGINAL
1er ARTICLE SUR Actuellement QUATRE: L'eau dans le monde: l'Afrique toujours la plus times lotie MARSEILLE (France) (AFP) - 11/03/2012 23:19 L'Afrique reste le continent dont l'accs of ressources en eau de qualit est le plus limit, les sont toujours les amricains du nord plus gros que l'Asie consommateurs mutandis-Pacifique souffre d'un problme de scurit alimentaire, selon le 4e rapport ONU Unesco sur l'eau.
- Afrique: "A peine 60% de l'Afrique sub-Saharan alimony est en eau potable" constate le lundi l'ouverture du document published Forum mondial de l'eau. L'installation de rseaux de distribution dans les campagnes n'atteignait que 47% en 2008, selon les derniers chiffres disponibles. Quelque 20% of the zones urbaines restent sans canalisations d'eau marfa potable. Seuls 31% de la population ont Accs of modern toilettes marfa et le nombre de personnes dans la nature faisant leurs besoins est de 188 millions de pass 224 millions in 1990 en 2008. L'augmentation de Facebook en moyenne de 3% la dmographie depuis les annes 1960, la production agricole en moyenne progress n'a que de moins de annuals 2%. Les difficults d'alimentation sont aggraves par la shear eat en Afrique sub-Saharan. Ailleurs, les inondations mettent times les infrastructures marfa et les contaminent rserves d'eau les risques d'augmentant pidmies, comme le cholra. En Matire d '
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