Wind, an opportunity for our country "Politblog
This article on your Facebook profile. Tweet this article. Send this article by e-mail. Isabelle Chevalley am, Monday, November 7, 2011 wind turbines., An opportunity for our country Heute vergeben wir eine year Carte Blanche Isabelle Chevalley, GLP-Nationalrätin. Regularly, we give carte blanche in Politblog a personality. Today the new National Council vert'libérale Vaud Isabelle Chevalley.
I just returned from a humanitarian mission in Burkina Faso. When I hear that you do not want wind turbines in Switzerland because it is supposedly naughty, I tell myself that it really has problems of rich countries. What is beautiful and what is not? Chillon Viaduct is it good to those who live at the foot of concrete columns?
That's a big question that will not find a response to both opinions are different. But what is certain is that wind does not destroy the landscape, at most it borrows. transport idf If in 20 years our children want to remove them, they will find a pristine landscape.
Contrary to popular belief, a wind turbine produces a lot of electricity. I managed to get a parliamentary initiative Vaud Grand Council so that we can install up to 32 square transport idf meters of solar panels on the rooftops of buildings that are not historical monuments in note 1 or 2. C is tell you if I believe in this energy.
But that can produce as much as solar wind Collonges (VS) will require more than 1,400 owners Vaud install 32 square meters of solar PV. The wind potential of the country can be between transport idf 7 and 10% of our consumption. This is not negligible when one considers that the Mühleberg transport idf represents 4%.
Another complaint that is made wind is dangerous transport idf to birds. A U.S. study (1) showed that about 100,000 birds killed in human infrastructure, the vast majority crashing against the windows of buildings, many are caught in traffic, and only one to four birds were killed by wind turbines. So if you want to save the birds, remove the windows of our homes and stop cars ... A little common sense! And no wind farm owner will want to be in a migratory corridor with ecologists at the foot of its propellers army and TV around the world to show the carnage.
As for the supposedly unbearable transport idf wind turbine noise must put this in context. transport idf Their sound is limited to 40 dB at night. Through an application on my smartphone ("dB volume meter"), I tested different transport idf sounds that surround us. The fountain is in my garden just below the window of my bedroom and I hear every night produces a noise by 51 dB. When I spent four days at the seaside, the latter produced transport idf a sound of 61 dB. Everyone can make himself the test with this application.
We are surrounded by noise all the time, not to mention the people who live near highways, railway routes or airports, which undergo much greater noise. transport idf Nobody can, on behalf of his little personal comfort, claim absolute calm. The development of wind energy is one of the objectives of the Confederation and should therefore be able to claim an overriding public interest, as was the case for eg motorways. Do you think the one who ended up with a highway at the bottom of his garden clapped transport idf both hands? Of course not, but it could be done because it is the interest of the greatest number should prevail.
What is certain is that some people are fixated on this energy, realizing really sick. But that does not mean renouncing clean energy, safe and reliable. Our country needs wind to diversify its energy supply.
(1) National Wind Coordinating Committee (NWCC), Avian Collisions with Wind Turbines: A Summary of Existing Studies and Comparisons to Other Sources of Avian Collision Mortality transport idf in the United States, 2001.
Falsch Frau Chevalley: Die modernste, grösste transport idf Windanlage Enercon E82 fürs Inland mit 98 m Höhe, WindradDurchmesser 82m, 2.3 MW macht bei gutem CH-Wind (5-8 m / s) eine von Jahresproduktion max. 5 Mio kWh. Um das nur kleinste CH-KKW Mühleberg zu ersetzen das jährlich 2,950 million kWh ins Netz schickt, müssten 590 dieser Windanlagen transport idf aufgestellt werden. Wollte man dieses Ziel bis 2030 st
This article on your Facebook profile. Tweet this article. Send this article by e-mail. Isabelle Chevalley am, Monday, November 7, 2011 wind turbines., An opportunity for our country Heute vergeben wir eine year Carte Blanche Isabelle Chevalley, GLP-Nationalrätin. Regularly, we give carte blanche in Politblog a personality. Today the new National Council vert'libérale Vaud Isabelle Chevalley.
I just returned from a humanitarian mission in Burkina Faso. When I hear that you do not want wind turbines in Switzerland because it is supposedly naughty, I tell myself that it really has problems of rich countries. What is beautiful and what is not? Chillon Viaduct is it good to those who live at the foot of concrete columns?
That's a big question that will not find a response to both opinions are different. But what is certain is that wind does not destroy the landscape, at most it borrows. transport idf If in 20 years our children want to remove them, they will find a pristine landscape.
Contrary to popular belief, a wind turbine produces a lot of electricity. I managed to get a parliamentary initiative Vaud Grand Council so that we can install up to 32 square transport idf meters of solar panels on the rooftops of buildings that are not historical monuments in note 1 or 2. C is tell you if I believe in this energy.
But that can produce as much as solar wind Collonges (VS) will require more than 1,400 owners Vaud install 32 square meters of solar PV. The wind potential of the country can be between transport idf 7 and 10% of our consumption. This is not negligible when one considers that the Mühleberg transport idf represents 4%.
Another complaint that is made wind is dangerous transport idf to birds. A U.S. study (1) showed that about 100,000 birds killed in human infrastructure, the vast majority crashing against the windows of buildings, many are caught in traffic, and only one to four birds were killed by wind turbines. So if you want to save the birds, remove the windows of our homes and stop cars ... A little common sense! And no wind farm owner will want to be in a migratory corridor with ecologists at the foot of its propellers army and TV around the world to show the carnage.
As for the supposedly unbearable transport idf wind turbine noise must put this in context. transport idf Their sound is limited to 40 dB at night. Through an application on my smartphone ("dB volume meter"), I tested different transport idf sounds that surround us. The fountain is in my garden just below the window of my bedroom and I hear every night produces a noise by 51 dB. When I spent four days at the seaside, the latter produced transport idf a sound of 61 dB. Everyone can make himself the test with this application.
We are surrounded by noise all the time, not to mention the people who live near highways, railway routes or airports, which undergo much greater noise. transport idf Nobody can, on behalf of his little personal comfort, claim absolute calm. The development of wind energy is one of the objectives of the Confederation and should therefore be able to claim an overriding public interest, as was the case for eg motorways. Do you think the one who ended up with a highway at the bottom of his garden clapped transport idf both hands? Of course not, but it could be done because it is the interest of the greatest number should prevail.
What is certain is that some people are fixated on this energy, realizing really sick. But that does not mean renouncing clean energy, safe and reliable. Our country needs wind to diversify its energy supply.
(1) National Wind Coordinating Committee (NWCC), Avian Collisions with Wind Turbines: A Summary of Existing Studies and Comparisons to Other Sources of Avian Collision Mortality transport idf in the United States, 2001.
Falsch Frau Chevalley: Die modernste, grösste transport idf Windanlage Enercon E82 fürs Inland mit 98 m Höhe, WindradDurchmesser 82m, 2.3 MW macht bei gutem CH-Wind (5-8 m / s) eine von Jahresproduktion max. 5 Mio kWh. Um das nur kleinste CH-KKW Mühleberg zu ersetzen das jährlich 2,950 million kWh ins Netz schickt, müssten 590 dieser Windanlagen transport idf aufgestellt werden. Wollte man dieses Ziel bis 2030 st
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