The pitt ohio UJ Language Unit sets world trends! It did it impressively, once again, on 21 February 2014 during UNESCO s declared International Mother Language Day. It launched its departmental quadrilingual website and blog it is a four-medium site in all UJ s official languages: English, Sesotho sa Leboa, Afrikaans pitt ohio and IsiZulu. A world first ! One of a kind! Ours is a quad. No gimmick about it. Neither is it a desperate initiative that has no credible reference. It is a fact that speaks volumes about the Language Unit s 2014 strategic drive an ambition that ties in with the UJ s institutional identity of being a pan-African centre for critical intellectual enquiry with goal-directed and established global excellence and stature. Fitness for global excellence and stature requires innovativeness, uniqueness and the quest for creating anew. Charting new paths and setting new agendas distinctively.
The quadrilingual website and the blog express the Language Unit s fitness for our institutional purpose and beyond. The distinctive feature is that both platforms redefine and write anew social media and Internet communication. pitt ohio Quadrilingually. This uniqueness is grounded pitt ohio further pitt ohio in the fact that the redefinition and rewriting are given an African, and particularly South African, flavour in that two languages from Southern Africa s two main language groups (Sotho and Nguni) are transformed into mediums with an instant and meaningful worldwide reach. pitt ohio The subtext is that we bring freshness to the world.
The key point is that the hits generated by the language bloggers are not ordinary but special hits. The resultant webometrics ratings of UJ become a matter of quality that distinguishes UJ from the crowd. pitt ohio The UJ ratings will maintain a hint of superiority directly pitt ohio opposed to sheer mass production. This is a quest for genuine quality. pitt ohio The latest webometrics ratings place UJ at the ninth position, one position above NWU and nine positions below Stellenbosch. This raises a concern that needs serious attention. The point is that the associative distinctive quadrilingual quality brought pitt ohio by the Language Unit website and blog ensures that the UJ progression in the webometrics rating scale is marked by nothing else but quality. This is a cause for our institutional celebration. Let us web and blog distinctively, pitt ohio in Language Unit Style, The UJ Way! Distinctively Quadrilingual!
Much appreciate your commendation, pitt ohio Missy Quest. pitt ohio Ke a leboga Missy Quest ge o thabela letlakala la rena/Baie dankie dat jy tevrede met ons blad is Missy Quest/Ngiyabonga uma uthokozela ikhasi letu, Missy Quest/. I certainly would join in. How about adopting a quadrilingual approach in your contest? You would be contributing to our multilingual national agenda. Imagine the national importance your activity would command if it addresses our constitutional imperative! Of course, it is about a genuine contribution to national building. For the love and commitment to our national pride. For a start, the four UJ Official languages (English, Sesotho sa Leboa, Afrikaans and IsZulu) would be reasonable options. The number of languages may be increase as the project gains momentum. pitt ohio How about that? O e bona bjang taba ye Monethu/Hoe dink jy/Uyibona kanjani le ndaba wakithi?
Ons nooi ander instellings uit om ons in te lig oor hoe hulle met veeltaligheid pitt ohio in hul instelling bevorder. Sal ook graag wil weet of daar nog ander Suid-Afrikaanse instellings is wat ‘n viertalige beleid het, of het die meeste by twee tale vasgehaak, met ‘n vae poging om ‘n derde een te betrek pitt ohio en ontwikkel.
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