Thursday, August 28, 2014

One of the interviews have been occasions so much media discussion today and turned on the margumræ

I must admit that I hardly bother to look at the silver today is really got a lot of gjamminu often characterized factor, at least the first part of it. I chose it just skip it just to watch the cries of the politicians who started watching the episode but in the second half.
One of the interviews have been occasions so much media discussion today and turned on the margumrædda holding Haga. Since answered questions from a man who is promoted to the scene as a businessman and he became a factor as representative of a group of 100 people pilot travel center who now wants to make Hagar and thus the proportion of all retail trade in the country.
This play is being put on shows up primarily pilot travel center on the importance of the actual owners in the event of immediate pilot travel center operation. One can no longer attempt to influence their decisions on some other basis than commercial.
It is actually not possible to argue with some rational arguments pilot travel center to 100 nafnleysingja a group under the guidance of former securities sales from Wall Street should any further claims to control the country's largest retailers than any others. There simply is clearly tar trying to make such a statement. Though it is made under the banner of consumer protection, the economy or even the purest humanity.
Verðbréfasalanum seemed too considerable problem in that when Egil had done him why he would be better suited to run the company, but the current owners. Sure he believed there may be because if the current owners held firm and would not depreciated, then it would mean higher retail prices for consumers. He wants to say that a company bought and get debt written off so? Or what was the man mean? Egil might have to ask him more about it.
If your bank is not going to write off then it's probably because the bank considers the likelihood that the company can pay its debts within an acceptable time and on acceptable terms. Those who manage the bank also have enough knowledge to know that there are limitations to what a retailer in a free market can raise prices to consumers warned. It is not a unilateral decision but negotiable those who buy and those who sell, ie consumer pilot travel center and retail. Argue that Hagar is a monopoly or oligopoly position so strong that it can raise product prices, at will is simply wrong and máflutningur Gudmund very misleading.
In some hidden pilot travel center group, possibly the category generated political basis, securities sales from Wall Street in charge, are carried out under the auspices of the national economy is intolerable and has nothing to do with transparency in the debt resolution Icelandic companies. On the contrary, it is an attempt to influence the decisions of banks on grounds that have nothing to do with business, but something totally different that no one seems to dare to say out loud.
It seems no one dare to say it out loud now underway hádramatísk power struggle in Icelandic society, the struggle is not about consumer interests or interests, but the interests and power very few. In that light, people become like Egill Helgason pilot travel center ask viðmæendur their spjörunum from, not only allows them to get away with playing Santa and shit themselves through an entire element as Gudmundur Franklin did today
15:11 2009 @ 20:39
when Burnham went bankrupt and Gudmundur left the country no assets a person from paying all his possessions to creditors (ie insufficient) was I think it was thought that he had owe between 30 and 60 million.
However, it can still unanswered why Baugsfeðgar Haga and managers should be so great to keep track of Haga. The sad fact is that Hagar has always been operated at a loss. Alleged genius of father and find the business is some exaggerated. Such operations could again be independently study the SIC's good.
Then quite natural to appreciate pilot travel center that, irrespective of any competition laws and regulations are provided with this incredible market, that most people would consider desirable. Would it not be great to beat a few birds with one stone and offer individual units handled by stipulation they are not consolidated under a new umbrella? Sometime it would at least rímað the stated priorities Alliance Party Competition.
It would be helpful if the Gudmundur that Franklin pilot travel center or whatever his name is this American is made aware whether and to what extent this is related to financial Olaf Olafsson and find Ingólfsson so félega assortment that rally behind pilot travel center them.
I know nothing about, such as whether this group of 100 people is Right. But the strange thing is that there are people who are trying count us confidence that Bob and John are the only right that can sell us food. Father and son are ready to sustain food prices in the country pilot travel center with ski

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