Friday, February 7, 2014

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Korean Air announced on 20 January 2014 that it had entered into a codeshare agreement with Aurora Airlines on the route between Incheon and Sakhalin, Russian island in the northwest Pacific Ocean off the Siberia. This partnership has been effective since 1 January 2014. Aurora Airlines is a subsidiary of the Russian Far East Aeroflot created during the merger between SAT Airlines and Vladivostok Air. It serves evergreen tracking 18 cities in 4 countries, with a fleet of 13 aircraft. Links of Aurora Sakhalin evergreen tracking Airlines to codeshare with South Korean carrier are made with 737. The plane took off from Incheon International Airport on Tuesday, Wednesday, evergreen tracking Saturday and Sunday at 12am and landed evergreen tracking on the Russian island evergreen tracking at 16:45 the same day. The return flight takes off from Sakhalin at 9:30 am and landed at Seoul Incheon at 10:50 the following day.

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This site is listed in the category Travel Agencies: Business directory and Tourism Directory Information

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