Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A special mention deserves Damian Lillard, who, in his second year in the NBA, makes history by par

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Basketinside.com Categories Focus on All-Star Saturday Night: change the rules, but the show made in the USA is guaranteed Focus on All-Star Saturday Night: change the rules, but the show is guaranteed made in the USA Saturday, February 15th, 2014 13 : 47 Author: NBA Dunk views:
Great night, this, the NBA is finally here 's All-Star Saturday live ships Night, one that is a candidate to be the most spectacular night of the year in basketball overseas. We see today's program: live ships there are 4 contest, including the Foot Locker Three-Point Contest (the race by three points which will among the protaginisti also our Belinelli) and the Sprite Slam Dunk, the famous slam dunk contest, which Thanks to John Wall, Terrence Ross, determined to defend the title, and to 'immense Paul George, promises live ships to be one of the most exciting live ships in recent years. Let's see in detail the races and characters
A current NBA player, a former NBA player (Legend) and a WNBA player representing their teams in a shooting contest. There are two teams in each conference: the first will compete live ships with each other teams in the same conference, then the team winning the East and West will compete in the final race (this year we record the presence of families Hardaway and Curry, as well as Kevin Durant teaming up with Karl Malone).

For the Skills Challenge the rules change, this year will no longer be an individual live ships challenge, but there will be two teams of two players for each conference, which will compete in rounds of shots, passes and dribbles on a path to be completed in the shortest live ships possible time. As for the Shooting Stars, there will be the first match between the two teams from the same conference, then the final battle between the two winning teams. Attention to the names of the participants, here the weather begins to warm up.

Foot Locker Three-Point Contest The challenge waiting for us Italians, the Three-Point Contest, live ships with our Marco Belinelli to act as a spokesperson for our great little country. Participants have access to a minute live ships to score as many baskets as possible. The balloons are twenty-five, divided into five trucks, placed live ships equidistant from each other, every 45 degrees on the three-point line. Each ball is worth one point except the last one, the so-called "Money Ball", which is worth two points. Among the many new features this year, there's an entire cart will be will be filled with 5 Money Ball, and then take the maximum final score to 34 points and no more than 30. This year, the players go back to being eight, four for each conference. The player with the highest score of the East and the West with the highest score will be admitted to the Championship Round, the final. In case of a tie between two or more participants, a playoff is done in the same way, but within 24 seconds of time.
Here it is, finally: the slam dunk contest, live ships the most compelling of all weekend. The rules have changed this year, there will be a first round of FreeStyle: every dunker will have 90 seconds to perform the dunk he wants. After the 1st round, the judges will decide who will win Conference. Then there will be the Battle Round: the dunker will face clashes live ships with knockout wins the last to remain in the competition. Finally, fans will vote to elect the "Dunker of The Nigh."
A special mention deserves Damian Lillard, who, in his second year in the NBA, makes history by participating in as many as 5 races at the All-Star Weekend, namely: Rookie Challenge live ships Skills Challenge Three-Point Contest Slam Dunk All-Star Game
Each conference, it is worth emphasizing, will be competing for charity. At the end of the night will be donated a total of $ 500,000. $ 100,000 for each contest will be donated to charity by winning the conference, while $ 25,000 will go to organizations chosen by the winners live ships of the competitions. The Eastern Conference will play for the American Heart Association live ships and the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and the Western Conference will support Teach for America and the Wounded Warrior Project.
Latest NBA Dunk (see all) Focus on All-Star Saturday Night: change the rules,

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