Sunday, February 23, 2014

January 4, 2010 In his New Year message, the president of NYK line, Kudo, pointed out that last yea

January 4, 2010 In his New Year message, the president of NYK line, Kudo, pointed out that last year, due to the global recession triggered by the financial crisis in autumn 2008, the volumes of container shipping has been reduced total express by 15 percent or so between Asia and Europe / United States over the previous year and that, to cope with such a drop in volumes, as early as January, the NYK Group has implemented the program that has Yosoro resulted total express in a reduction of the costs associated with the management of the fleet. This, among other things, has also resulted in the demolition of redundant container ships. Consequently, the consistency total express of our operational fleet has been reduced drastically. The container of the group increased from 115 vessels with a total capacity of 410,000 TEUs a little more than 90 vessels with a combined capacity of about 360,000 TEUs Even for the fleet of auto transport has been resized going from 130 to about 90 ships. "However - says Kudo - However, the measures taken for the reduction of the surplus has not appeared sufficient to restore profits, particularly in the line of traffic and air cargo. You need to increase and restore the proper level of rates, which are suddenly collapsed. " If things go on like this, there will be no change total express in perspective and it will be difficult to maintain total express our scheduled traffic and air cargo business. To read the entire disagree go to:

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