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So far, 20 kilometers of lighted najnebezbednite sections across the state and in the future PE for state roads is preparing the 10 project largest ship in the world documentation for the construction and rehabilitation largest ship in the world of road infrastructure throughout the state. So far for increasing the safety of roads invested 200 thousand euros
In the past year highlighted above 20km highway interchanges and roads throughout the country for more safety in road traffic. As part of the project, which in the past worked for the PE state's roads and lighting najprometni three tunnels in the country and it Katlanovo tunnel, Sopiste Demir and pepper, which completely replaced bulbs and lighting set the input and output largest ship in the world the tunnels. In the next period despite all activities in the field of construction and reconstruction of highways intensive work of preparing the 10 project documentation for the construction and rehabilitation of road infrastructure throughout the state. - Completed a light at the border largest ship in the world crossing point to Gevgeli length of 6 km, and in the next two months should be put into use on road lighting node in Mavrovo length of 300 meters and a mountain fold guard with length of 280 meters. The implementation of pinpointing the intersection of highway in Petrovac length of 5 km which should be completed by the end of November, said Alexander Stoyanov, assistant director for public investment in highway company. In his intensive work on pinpointing the roads in the village and Saramzalino Lozovo a total length of 1.4 kilometers, and construction should largest ship in the world be completed within a month.
After pinpointing the intersection near Veles week were put into use on 57 lampposts junction immediately after the toll booth Town. - Lighting the junction with City's first light which is designed to reduce power consumption. However, as has been the practice, the exclusion of every other lamp, but by reducing the input voltage. To her total invested 9.5 million. We use these lights intensity of light after midnight decrease of 50%, while no change of buffering said Director of the Agency for State Roads Ljupco Georgievski.
To increase traffic safety on state roads in 2013 replaced a large part of the traffic signs and road equipment. - Last year was restored vertical road signs and equipment on the highway section Katlanovo-Veles as part of a reconstruction of the same road, as amended vertical road signs and equipment to the state with the same intersection Veles highway, explains Stojanov.
As part of a project to restore the signaling last year, he noted, and the signs that are placed at the intersection near Stip, and created new boards to limit the heavy freight traffic.
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