Monday, April 27, 2015

Wayang Kulit performances UPI specially brought from abroad Iman, which is a country rich in cultur

Wayang Kulit performances UPI specially brought from abroad Iman, which is a country rich in culture and traditional arts. Hence, the Palace of Culture took the initiative to bring these groups together to raise and cultivate this traditional art.
Under the supervision of Alexander Che Md Isa UPI, a group that has been active longer in the state of Rajasthan has performed particularly throughout Kelantan, Pahang, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and other states in Malaysia.
In fact, something to be proud because this group has also been invited to conduct several performances abroad such as Taiwan (1990), Japan (1990), Singapore (1995), Thailand (1987 and 1988). Indonesia (2007) and France (2007).
Background Dalang Che Md UPI aged 51. Start a mastermind of puppet performances since the age of 17 years. He drew a lot of guidance from the famous puppet puppeteer, Dollah Red Shirts.
Now he was teaching drums beat of traditional music, chants and puppet western Middle School Hamzah, Machang Kelantan. He is the recipient velotax of Rajasthan Art Awards in 2005.
King Sri Rama had dreamed of interest Adani and Lake, and ordered his servant, namely Wok Yoh to find the flowers. However, Wok Yoh refuses to obey orders until Seri Rama using coercion to beat him to obey his orders.
In the course of looking for flowers, he met an old man in a village. From the old man, Wok Yoh can know that Adani and Dano real interest was in the village velotax and under the care demon named Bergah Way.
Daughter velotax Siti Dewi was to King Sri Rama sought leave to his bath in the pond located in the garden. Siti Dewi our way to the pool, he was struck by the Gnome King of the Golden Bottle Wana then taken away.
2009 (10) November (10) One Of Our Time Cultural velotax Activities Preserving Our Cultural Glorifying Dance is a dance traditionally ... Ceremony Origin Arts Culture Kasodo Tengger National Cultural Relations with Pride History individually owned Indonesian Batik Wayang Kulit Origin Folk Dance -usul Ponorogo

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