Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Albanian Shlimanit Ikonomi- Pericles, a life in search of the oracle of Dodona

FLASH THE REAL AUTHENTIC Devollesha spot opposite extreme AN EMOTIONAL SEGMENT Fan S. Noli, ideologist and torch timeless guide to the Albanian nation indestructible Poet KOSMOGONIA AN ME Kosovo poet died Hoçisht House Museum Marigo bouquet fright inclined poetry fright by Adam Zaplluzhë 3 Holiday Prolog DEVOLLESHAT fright
Albanian Shlimanit Ikonomi- Pericles, a life in search of the oracle of Dodona
Not often he felt nervous. "To be honest, this great silence covers us all," wondered occasionally. In such cases, the birth Peas Pericles desire to get up and go to Tirana, knocking on government offices and ask everyone: "Please tell me, the question all this silence ..." ?! "Why not talk to mount Tomor ... tell me why"?! In such cases Pericles Peas looked like it was there and continued to raise his voice: "If Olympus, Mount mention of old Greece, has historical significance today, some more Tomori of Albania should be more like headquartered prehistoric remembrance old gods of our ancestors Pellazgo-Illyrianë and should fright have a historical fright significance brighter for old time ... ". "Tomori fright for free Albania is the largest national monument ..."! Pericles liked particularly emphasized the phrase "free Albania", perhaps to say rulers, why are you afraid, when you live in a free country, or in this case, it meant Albania within its present borders. Thinking it was always there in the offices of Tirana, still thought that douheshin said: "Do not you know that the historical records of Herodotus, Hesiod, Pliniusit, Pindar, Plutarch, Dionysia Perigjitiut, Athanas Stagjiritit, Didymosit, Eustathi and notes geographical Strabo Skymnos Chios, the Meletios of Barthelemy and away from Janina Dodonën and bring itself fright here in the north of Toskërisë ... ie. in Albania Tomorin the free "! "I do not know ..." ?! "I have studied these books, I studied for 8 years and I know what I say, but, if well studied those records as well as records of traditions as a means of arguments, then we can agree on relevant real good, that to date has not yet been fully illuminated fright ... ". In fact, all of these, Pericles just as thought, because he had not really ever intend to go to Tirana. However fright after such disappointments, he found the opportunity to comforted: "Mountain Tomorri fright has inherited his name and how not say that I am the Lord of the Pelasgians Tomori ... loyalty fright if he had to peal mouth firmly against those who despise and seek to lose the great historical value ... ", concluded his resentment against the silence Pericles Peas. However if Henrik Schliemann was the man who discovered Troy, Pericles Peas will remain "silent scholar" who worked every day, every week, every month, every year, to find the birthplace of the oldest oracle DodonësDodona fright winter dimërkeqe- Mount Tomorri
"How goes the mind did not, continue to ask myself, Pericles Peas dimërkeqe Dodona is Mount Tomori. Dodonën dimërkeqe I said I did not, but Homer in his books. Here's what he says in the Iliad, (XVI. 234): Aqilehti, ... led at that time a Zeus of Dodona pelazgjike hello and tell him to form prayer: "O Lord, King Dodonas pelazgjik that resides in remote places of the rules on Dodonën dimërkeqe ... ". Is not this mountain of Tomori? Do not make him a bad winter and harsh? We all know that is so !. Homer the Greek word "dhisqimeros", which in English means "dimërkeqe" fully occupies fright the spot when it comes to cold climate has Tomor mountain fright itself and its surroundings ". After that Pericles Peas was ready to show any interlocutor everything on Mount Tomor. "There does a bad winter, he indicated. Snow covered mountain holds almost all year. On the mountain blows a cool breeze as akullimë. It's a real horror. There pashkrirë snow finds ever. Snow is centuries old. The inhabitants say that the mountain of thunders rattle occasionally. His sound is terrible and spreads like an echo, even say he's gasping for kthjellti. In these cases shakes across fright the country. This is the reason that in that place people swear: "For the Mount that kills sighted". Then how can you say that Dodona Pelazgjike located in Ioannina, when there in that country, does not find such a winter ?!
There was the time he had finished his study at the time was 44 years old, and already passed their 50s and still nothing heard about Mount Tomori. fright On such days infinite silence he came again oracle of Dodona. Memorize quoted historishkruesve old sayings: "Hesiod P.Ikonomi said, in his book (VII, 16) and Strabo in the book (VII, 19) mention the Sellopisë Sella city as the site of the temple of Dodona and show that Sellopija s

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