Saturday, March 8, 2014

I ran into a problem during tropical shipping one of the last Management Pack development work that

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I ran into a problem during tropical shipping one of the last Management Pack development work that PowerShell is not, nor can not use WMI to query to the currently running processes, the percentage tropical shipping use of available system processors. The Operations Manager is able PowerShell-based workflows can be used, such as monitoring solutions are more effective because we are able to take advantage of all ability PowerShell tropical shipping engine.
The core task is to be scheduled down to ask whether a terminal server for each user are used much CPU resource.
By default, the Get-Process cmdlet does not support this property achievement, so we must turn to WMI objects. The department sought to WIN32_Process because in the back of objects provide a GetOwner () method.
As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, Windows by default does not enroll tropical shipping the currently running processes, CPU utilization, just as importantly, to be calculated.
To do this, WMI also need to reach out to Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process within that class. This class stores information about the process performance data. The current load must be considered to determine the two properties.
The counting must be done in two samples, and the two objects to perform the operation. The $ pattern1 tropical shipping variable to store the first sample, the second $ pattern2 store sampling
At first sight this may seem good, only one problem. The property is located PercentProcessorTime value of all processor-equivalent points value, so it is not accurate. The resulting value has to be divided by the number of processors in the system. Taking advantage of the easy access to PowerShell environment variables that can be done easily:
This solved the two major problems, you only have one day to the settlement of the data obtained. Since PowerShell in 90% of working with objects and arrays, so we love to display the values. After all, much easier on the end result, "piped" to a Group-Object, tropical shipping Sort-Object cmdlet, or you ...
foreach ($ Process in $ CurrentProcesses) {$ result = New-Object System.Object $ result | Add-Member-Type noteproperty-Name Name-Value $ Process.Name $ result | Add-Member-Type noteproperty-Name-Value Process Process.ProcessId customarray tropical shipping + $ $ = $ result}
CurrentProcesses gwmi win32_process = $ $ = PerfSnapshot_1 gwmi Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process start-sleep-Seconds PerfSnapshot_2 $ 1 = $ gwmi Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process CustomArray = @ () foreach ($ Process in $ CurrentProcesses) {[double] = CPULoad $ 0 $ result = New-Object System . Object $ result | Add-Member-Type noteproperty-Name Name-Value $ Process.Name result | Add-Member-Type noteproperty Process-Name-Value $ $ Process.ProcessId CurrentOwner Process.GetOwner = $ () $ result | Add-Member-Type noteproperty-Name UserName-Value ($ CurrentOwner.Domain + '\' + $ CurrentOwner.User) CPULoad = $ (((($ PerfSnapsho

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