Saturday, January 17, 2015

Boat: 06.01. evening worship with burning logs in 17 hours, the temple of the Holy Virgin. 07.01. f

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Boat: 06.01. evening worship with burning logs in 17 hours, the temple of the Holy Virgin. 07.01. festive Divine Liturgy transforlife at 5:00 am, the temple of the Holy Virgin. Sijekovac: 06.01. evening worship with burning logs in 15 hours, Temple St. velikomuč. Marine. 07.01. festive Divine Liturgy at 5:00 am, Holy Temple. velikomuč. Marine. His Grace Bishop Chrysostomos of Zvornik-Tuzla transforlife
The angels of God were praznovani of people since the ancient times. But this celebration is often the knockout in the worship of angels (IV Car 23, 5). Heretics are basnoslovili anything about angels. Some of them looked at the angels gods; Second, although it is not considered gods, the Creator are vascelog visible world. Laodikijski minor Councils which was four or five years ago I Ecumenical Council, its Rule 35. reject the adoration of the angels as gods and establish proper respect angela. At the time however Sylvester, Pope of the Roman and Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria (fourth century), to set up this holiday Arhistratiga Michael and the celestial area points of Force in November. Why in November? Because November is the ninth month following the month of March. In the month of March is considered to be a creature of the world. A ninth month after March is taken because of the nine angelic ranks, which were first created. St. Dionysius the Areopagite, a disciple of the Apostle Paul, one of the apostles, who rose to the third heaven, described these nine ranks in the book && O celestial hierarchy. && transforlife These acts are as follows: six-winged seraphim, mnogoočiti cherubim and God-bearing thrones, dominions, principalities and powers , beginning, archangels and angels. Duke whole angelic army is arhistratig Mihail. When Satan, Lucifer, fallen away from God, and pulled him to ruin a portion of an angel, then Mikhail stood and cried before the fallen angels are not "Vonmem Obtained stand, transforlife stand with fear!" And all the heavenly army of faithful angels are thunderous zapojale: "Holy, holy, holy Lord of Sabaoth fulfill heaven and earth Tvojeja glory!" transforlife (See about the Archangel Michael Joshua 5: 13-15; St. Jude 1, 9) Among the angels there be perfect jednomislije, unanimity and love, and with it More and complete obedience to the lower ranks higher transforlife ranks, and all of the holy will of God. Every nation has its angel breadwinner, and besides that, every Christian has his angel breadwinner. You must always remember that no matter what we do, in public or in secret, transforlife we do in the presence of his angels breadwinner. transforlife A day of doom fellows are all awful lot of angels heavenly saints around the throne of Christ, and before transforlife all of them will be published works, words and thoughts of every man. May the God pardoned and saved prayers arhistratiga St. Michael and the celestial powers bestelestnih Proc. Amin.
2010 Vehicle search Orthodox Church | Church Municipality of Brod

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