Friday, January 23, 2015

ABC Circle of Serbian Sisters choir Orthodoxy in the world Library land transport Prayer Celebratio

News Bishop land transport Sergius at the funeral of Monsignor Dr. Albert Rauha Epiphany in Banja Luka Jovandan in Zagreb A series of meetings land transport of Bishop Athanasius in Banja Luka with the President of Serbia Serbian Patriarch Categories
ABC Circle of Serbian Sisters choir Orthodoxy in the world Library land transport Prayer Celebrations Audio and video CHILDREN'S CORNER pilgrimage travels City Recent news articles St. John the Baptist Orthodox Epiphany Circumcision New Year PEACE OF GOD CHRIST IS BORN Monthly Archives Articles Select Month January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August land transport 2013 May 2013 Jun 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January land transport 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 RECOMMENDATION: The film "Three Stories IV"
"Oh, what great luck! Lord enters the sinful soul and heals it all lawlessness, and it becomes a house of God. Thus, the Savior has left us as a covenant that is performed in the liturgy and receiving its life-giving Body and Blood. Liturgy of the miraculous gift of Jesus Christ. The liturgy is the bridge land transport that can be crossed in eternal life. Remember, it is a covenant of Jesus Christ! Follow land transport this golden bridge, which will keep you from ADIC fail. Do not listen, beloved, those people who are fleeing from the Savior's glasses. These are unfortunate, misguided, sad people, away from the river of Christ, falling land transport into ruin. My dear, love Divine Liturgy, think for yourself lost one day in your life that could not be given to the liturgy, especially on holiday. St. John Chrysostom says that the Divine Liturgy really great and wondrous gift; The angels land transport of God are envious of us, the people, which is bestowed happiness - receiving the Divine Body and Blood. "
"Sir, with whom I daily unite the holy communion, ukrepljuje me. Otherwise, land transport where would I draw strength for such a constant endeavor, which I try to serve in the glory of His holy name and the salvation of their fellow men. "
"How can they cleanse your mind? To enlighten your mind? How to decorate all mental power, if not communion of the Body and Blood of our Lord, who represent the true atonement, the true beauty, true sanctification and nobility of soul? "
"Like lions breathing fire, so we move away from that (Holy meals), land transport becoming frightening nečastivome, keeping to myself and our head - Christ, and love, which is vouchsafed us. This blood makes great imperial character of our soul, gives birth to an indescribable beauty, nobility does not allow to wither in the soul, is orošavajući and eating constantly. This blood, which is worthy of receiving, land transport forcing us away from the demons and the angels are attracted land transport together with Bishop Angel. Because evil spirits flee when they see the Bishop's blood, and the Angels are summed. It is the salvation of our souls, her soul rejoices, is its ability to decorate, It warms, it makes our mind brighter than fire, it makes our soul cleaner than gold. Those receiving Communion of Blood and stand together with the Angels and cherry Forces, since wearing that same imperial clothes in which they, and having a spiritual weapon. However, I did not say anything else about most: those receiving Communion dressed in the Emperor himself. "
Thanks communion we be cleansed of any mental impurities and get willingness and zeal for charity: "Venerable Blood of Christ land transport not only redeems us from truležnosti, but from all defilement, hidden inside, land transport and leaves us to chill the neglect, but makes us warmer in the Spirit. "
He, Who were savršio then, on that night, and today is performed in them. We occupy a place minister and Gifts sanctifies and transforms Christ Himself. Do not be here no Jews, no srebroljubca. If someone is not a disciple of Christ, let him leave; Mensa does not allow those who are not like that approach. With My disciples - says Christ - savršiću Passover (cp. Matt. 26, 18) It is nothing less than this same table, land transport he offered Christ. " land transport
"Do not become lazy for joining the glass of life, immortality, love and holy things, but to access the fear of God and faith. And who does not want and does not care about it, that does not love Jesus Christ, and will not receive the Holy Spirit, and, therefore, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. " land transport
"We will ask you, man, you feel spiritual hunger and thirst for it to taste life, supernatural ear and grain (grape) two-piece, natural-life - the Body and Blood of Christ Životodavca, the true heavenly Bread which gives life to the world? If you do not feel that the saving famine, then it means that you are spiritually dead. A healthy man or one that begins to heal naturally feels hunger and thirst. Just how many of these dead men in Russia, the Orthodox Church, who do not feel that the salutary thirst? - Tama darkest! Countless intellectuals do not communion, most people rarely access

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