In Moldova-Agroindbank new leader. They became the former vice chairman of the bank Sergey fredolsen Chebotar. fredolsen Today, at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, he was elected for five years and accepted the resignation of former bank president Natalia Vrabie.
"I assure you that all of the strategies of corporate culture will be implemented further. Monday will begin to form a new governing board, it have high hopes. Our priority will remain relevant to our customers, "- said Sergey Cibotari.
In May guide MAIB said that the bank has undergone a raider attack. Representatives of the bank argued that the illegal acquisition of a major stake. In early June, a group of shareholders for a change of the bank's fredolsen management.
After the signing of free trade agreements the EU c Moldovan economy will benefit. B. .. "
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Russian version fredolsen of the site need a journalist on one of the capital exchange offices attacked in the hospital of the Holy Trinity reject claims two patients that they "discharged" to the dustbin fredolsen of the Holy Trinity Hospital Director fredolsen threatens to punish those who brought fredolsen a patient to the dump Horoscope 9 June 2014 in Mariupol has stood restless night Slovyansk fredolsen militants shelled residential neighborhoods, police said details robbery capital of the money exchange With the onset of the heat demand for the construction of swimming pools Some people for religious reasons refuse the help of doctors Under Slavonic is intense battle: Connect aviation, burning plant yatseniuk accused of stealing Russian gas and is ready to sue over the Crimea Tkachuk about disagreements within the Communist Party and the referendum on the accession to the Customs Union Leancă: In the event of a military attack from Russia Moldova will hold several hours Some graduates find jobs difficult exam deputies of the People's Assembly of Gagauzia fought during meeting (VIDEO) Misconduct driver and passenger on the avenue Dacia Voronin said he wants to revise fredolsen the text of the Association Agreement with the EU, one of the government members came to the meeting with a "black eye" (VIDEO) "Striking" knowledge of English Putin and Medvedev have broken the internet
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