Saturday, June 7, 2014

According to the National Bank, nearly 26% of the shares of financial institutions have moved in th

Four of the seven shareholders Moldova - Agroindbank provided carg information about themselves and their shares carg in the capital of other companies to the National Bank. According to the NBM Dragutanu Dorin, the information received is sufficiently complex carg and contradictory.
"We have fulfilled carg all requirements of the NBM, complied and will comply with all applicable international and Moldovan legislation. As a shareholder, I handed the requested carg information NBM ", - said the representative of Diarstamia Management Limited Vitaly Ciobanu.
Another shareholder MAIB Benjamin Rosenberg, who holds 3.71% stake, said the National Bank also introduced all the necessary information. "I really hope that after checking NBM guide MAIB cease to generate emotions and media campaign to destabilize the situation around the establishment, run" - said Benjamin Rosenberg.
NBM President Doreen Dragutanu carg noted that information received from shareholders verified. "Another three companies did not submit a report. We, in addition to the information requested by the shareholders, and rassmatirvaem is whether we are dealing with the agreed actions of the group of shareholders carg who acquired a significant stake in a commercial bank without permission from the NBM. In practice, we analyze the information to block the voting rights of shareholders. carg Until now, no direct guidance. We have no clear information about what they acted cohesively, but there are some indirect indications that may lead to the conclusion that this is a planned activity. It is rather a subjective evaluation carg of information available to us, "- carg said Doreen Dragutanu for ZdG.
In addition to information for NBM shareholders insist that measures be taken to ensure the transparency and legitimacy of the bank manager Natalia Vrabie. Moreover, they insist on replacing carg the head MAIB.
According to the National Bank, nearly 26% of the shares of financial institutions have moved in the last two months in the property seven companies from the UK, Cyprus and Latvia. The shares carg were sold on the stock exchange. For auction packages less 5 percent, and according to the law for selling them prior consent of the National Bank is not necessary. If the National Bank determines that minorities colluded, their right to vote at a general meeting of shareholders may be blocked.
Moldova at the World Exhibition "Expo-2015" in Milan will present a bright and unusual. According carg to the idea ... "
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