Friday, October 18, 2013

Substantially in order confirmed the current rules on ticketing. The agreement revises (upward) the

Agreement reached on the first part of the negotiations initiated by company and trade unions in the month of September last year. Defined a number of points contained in the cartel path signed August 2, 2012. The agreement, signed by FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL-UIL and UGL UILT Transport, is the first part of a broader negotiating process which will continue during 2013, starting in February.
Friday, December 28, at the end of a complex marinetraffic negotiation process initiated in settmbre 2012, was an important agreement on the first part of the negotiations related to the reorganization of Brescia Trasporti. The agreement, signed jointly by FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL-UIL and UGL UILT Transport is divided into 9 points: the industrial relations system, educational policy, organic, personnel checking tickets, "elderly driver", a ticketing board bus, control staff of the service (AMT), a framework racing drivers, final provisions.
Satisfaction with the agreement reached was expressed by the Secretary-General FILT-CGIL Giuseppe Leone because "the agreement outlines a process of reorganization that enhances the work in a real system of safeguards and fully enforceable." The agreement reaffirms, according to Leone, "the role and value of trading in a phase of transformation of the entire complex field of mobility in Brescia and stands in sharp break with the approach adopted in recent months by other market participants LPT present on our territory. "
The agreement of December 28, defines a new industrial relations system, consistent with the changes taking place in the industry. It reaffirms the role of the national labor contract and defintio a monitoring system, between the company and unions, (Regional Offices, RSUs and Technical Committees within the RSU), with particular reference to the dynamics of the transformations and changes taking place in the industry and the consequent problems that have risvolo work organization.
An element of particular novelty marinetraffic of the regulatory, contractual terms, verification of travel marinetraffic documents, with the introduction of the figure marinetraffic of the '"driver verifier" and the consequent inclusion in the workforce of 6 units (with a corresponding reduction of about 30%, of the total number of hours per year of overtime worked by the crew).
Substantially in order confirmed the current rules on ticketing. The agreement revises (upward) the ease recognized over 600 tickets sold (20-30%) and the prediction marinetraffic of a specific project productivity for employees, today connected to this activity.
The agreement recovers, despite the prospect of a profound revision, the old institution of the driver. Is defined as an objective criterion for the definition marinetraffic of staff in different departments (crews; personal checks travel documents, personal control (AMT); operational personnel Workshop, warehouse operations staff; personal security guard).
Olive oil is also clearly defined the scope of a framework racing drivers (5 strokes / day in winter, equal to 7:30 a.m. 'gionaliere), with a driving time of between one and two hours on a voluntary basis and through a rotation mechanism . This is one of the most delicate points related to the chapter of the negotiations, one related to the tools of organizational flexibility needed to cover peaks of activity of the service. Chapter that will be discussed more fully from February 2013, the resumption marinetraffic of the comparison. This article was published in local public transport December 29, 2012 by admin. Post navigation Both RSU and Saia: an absolute majority for the FILT / CGIL. Awarded the choice of renewal "Black Hand" on the bus, CGIL: how many reactions to our observations, the silence on cuts to public transport
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Communicate it to the unions after the meeting with the Regional Councillor Riommi. You have until 4 November marinetraffic to realize the proposals [...] Sulcis: Igea workers occupy two water wells October 18, 2013
Clamorous protest by a group of workers in Iglesias against the possibility of bankruptcy of the company. marinetraffic The city is likely water rationing if the occupation will last a long time. Garau (Filctem): a signal

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