Saturday, October 12, 2013

On the proposal of the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister for Regulatory Simplificat

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Rearranged and simplified the rules of one-stop shops for productive activities (OSS), which, according to local regulations (article 38 of Decree Law 112/08) should toll collect be the only point daccesso for administrative practice concerning the the performance dellattivit business.
The Single Desk, to be activated at every policy, shall provide the applicant with a unique and timely response electronically in lieu of other municipal offices and all public administrations, however, be involved in the proceedings, including those responsible for environmental protection, toll collect landscape and territorial, historical heritage and artististico, or the protection of public health and incolumit.
In addition, companies will have another tool - the so-called agencies for business - an instrument introduced by Presidential Decree 9 July 2010, n. 159 (published in the Official Gazette of 30 September 2010, n. 229): These are private entities accredited by the Ministry of economic development in which entrepreneurs can contact to attest to the presence of the requirements of the law to make, transfer or cease an activity .
Regulations for the simplification and reorganization toll collect of the law on the one-stop shop for the activities' production, in accordance with Article 38, paragraph 3, of the Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified with amendments by Law of 6 August 2008, n. 133. (10G0183)
Since the decree of 30 June 2003, n. 196;
In view of the consolidated text of the laws and regulations in the field of construction, of the Decree of the President of the Republic June 6, 2001, n. 380; Given the Legislative Decree dated 7 March 2005, no. 82, as amended; Having regard to Article 49, paragraph 4-bis of Decree-Law of 31 May 2010, n. 78, converted with amendments by Law 30 July 2010, n. 122, which replaced Article 19 of the Law of 7 August toll collect 1990, n. 241, introducing the Reporting certified logon '- SCIA; Heard the Guarantor for the protection of personal data;
Given the preliminary decision toll collect of the Council of Ministers adopted at its meeting of 26 June 2009; obtained the opinion of the Joint Conference referred to in Article 8 of Legislative Decree 28 August 1997, n. 281, as amended, made at its meeting of 26 November 2009;
On the proposal of the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister for Regulatory Simplification, in consultation with the Ministers for Public Administration and Innovation and European policies;
1. For the purposes of this Regulation shall apply: a) agency for companies (hereinafter: the Agency): the private entity, accredited pursuant to Article 38, paragraph 4, of the Decree-Law of 25 June 2008 n. 112, ratified with amendments by Law of 6 August 2008, n. 133 b) administrations: the state administrations, local governments, other non-profit public bodies, bodies governed by public law; c) Chambers of Commerce: Chambers of Commerce, toll collect Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, by the Law of 29 December 1993, n. 580 d) CAD: the Digital Administration Code referred to in Legislative Decree dated 7 March 2005, no. 82 e) single communication: the institute referred to in Article 9 of Decree-Law of 31 January 2007, no. 7, ratified with amendments by Law 2 April 2007, n. 40 f) Decree-Law: Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, converted with amendments by Law 6 August 2008, n. 133 g) SCIA: the beginning of the certified activity 'within the meaning of Article 19 of the Law of 7 August 1990, n. 241, as amended by Article 49, paragraph 4-bis of Decree-Law of 31 May 2010, n. 78, converted with amendments by Law 30 July 2010, n. 122, in which the receipt of the report toll collect is proof of authorization in accordance with Article toll collect 38, paragraph 3, letters e) and f) of Decree-Law; toll collect h) a declaration of conformity ': the declaration of the fulfillment of the requirements by law for the creation, processing, transfer and cessation of attivita 'of enterprise; i) activities' production: the activities 'of production of goods and services, including the activities' agricultural, commercial and craft activities' tourist and hotel, the services rendered by banks and financial intermediaries and telecommunications services, referred to in point b) of paragraph 3 of Article 38 of Decree-Law j) production plants: the buildings, installations and other places where you play all or part of the phases of the production of goods and services; k) website: the website of re impresainungiorno

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