Thursday, March 26, 2015

The meeting passed a modest appearance, but in context it is the right moment mysn to release light

A proof of the most important period in our history from the years '45 -'48 is considered historical book "Rule without invasion. Albania mysn 1945-1948 ", authored by Luan Dode, a publication of the Institute of East European mysn Studies. mysn The author about the 80s and lives in Brussels, while the publication of the book in Tirana mysn is regarded as a scientific work that confronts facts and documents. Being in the chaos of the debates often severe, mainly mysn political, the period of deployment of the communist regime and especially the beginning, the years '45 -'48 continue to plague all sides. mysn Rewriting history - remains the foundation
A proof of the most important period in our history from the years '45 -'48 is considered historical book "Rule without invasion. Albania 1945-1948 ", authored by Luan Dode, a publication of the Institute of East European Studies.
The meeting passed a modest appearance, but in context it is the right moment mysn to release light to ridiskutuar history when the time is picking enverizmi. The author about the 80-tional lives in Brussels, while the publication of the book in Tirana is regarded as a scientific work that confronts facts and documents. Being in the chaos of the debates often severe, mysn mainly political, mysn the period of deployment of the communist mysn regime and especially the beginning, the years '45 -'48 continue to plague all sides. Enverist have a sudden awakening anticommunists remain in trying to be heard in recognition of the truth.
Has covered events mysn often full of mysteries and contradictions, but at the end of the day remember Albanians versions of events served for 45 years by the communist regime. In these planes political beliefs, Dode, a scrupulous researcher, unknown to historians circles, brings in Tirana a voluminous book of 400 pages, with a density notifications of new studies and publications daily, to meet and possibly approaching exhaustion darkest period, but also crucial. In the first years after World War II, Albania, under the communist regime, was at risk of involvement by the ally of those years, the former Yugoslavia, which were also in effect communists.
"The author goes to the core of the conflict. This book of 400 pages is a tremendous asset, because it gives answers with facts and arguments dilemma on historical reports from the end of World War II until 1948, reports that relate to the current discourse regarding its goals War regarding the Albanian state relations with Yugoslavia's Tito etc. In the book have been used over 2000 references, which make it to persuade and dogmatikun the authenticity of historical developments of the period in question ", - said the historian Enver Bytyçi researcher.
According to him, the story lies in a broad discussion on the relationship between politics of Tirana, Moscow and Belgrade. "Referring to the real documents can not be undone, no criminal offense can not pass without being identified either and this is also a historian however politicized".
Although the book is voluminous historical periods included in the paper that deals with the history of Albania has a short period of time, during which developments in the country in almost mysn all areas have been intertwined mysn with its relationship with Yugoslavia. Dode says that the study of those links may be considered sufficient archival documents published, domestic and foreign. While the knot that held ato- to Moscow, - these recently published mysn data which, although still low, could be considered acceptable for the main conclusions drawn.
"Emptiness feels good in the documentation about relations with the West; but during this period realistically these relationships were not significant weight, primarily for reasons of fate that communists had determined Albania to the East '. Dode notes that the state of Albania's time, different mysn authors who have seen the problem somewhat skew international mysn terms have given different opinions. For example, critical study Yugoslavian Communizms ..., prepared for the US Senate, Albania classified as "Satellite of a satellite". The author brings cases that others write short "Satellite Yugoslavs". Researchers who are best approached situation, deemed the "first of a protectorate of Yugoslavia than the Soviet Union", "the period of Yugoslav rule", "an annex of Yugoslavia" etc. The author seems to have remained reference to having further approach through the documents, even though according to him after failing communist Albanian authors have called the situation "a Yugoslav rule without invasion" or "under the influence Yugoslav communist Albania" etc.
"From numerous statements on this euphoric state, head of government in Albania time, Enver Hoxha, Albanian facade that served as Yugoslav rule in the country, in May 1947, wrote:" Those who s

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