Sunday, November 2, 2014

thank you for that information. It put me in a new way with certain health anglo eastern effects as

Picture of one carton of yogurt, which contains anglo eastern the contents of potassium sorbate (E202). I am generally a dull piece, but very sensitive to certain types of stimuli subject. One of them is known as the preservative potassium sorbate (E202 abbreviation, formula C 6 H 7 O 2 S), which is used extensively in the food industry anglo eastern to extend säilivustähtaega (be attached, for example, that it does not effect Irjale, at least, we have not detected any of the symptoms). Perhaps, then, to be able to produce more at a time, and then displays emit different products, so they do not spoil it immediately. In short, a weak potassium-acting poison that should kill the mold and bacteria, but do not hurt people. I knew that potassium is placed in certain types of juices, which brings me to drink small red spots on the body. For example, hands, abdomen, back and between the legs. Nothing anglo eastern crazy, but obnoxious anyway. This is called an allergy. anglo eastern Complain feeling. And that is why I have avoided all sorts pack juices, and consumed either fresh squeezed juices anglo eastern or smoothies. Russian usual time, just jars of pasteurized and bottled juices, unfortunately, do not get anymore. But I do not believe that this preservative has been paid to dairy products, especially yogurt into. Well, ok, I understand that its addition increases the durability of yogurt after a period of one week per month, but at the same time, you will no longer be able to advertise yogurt as a health product. anglo eastern And I would imagine that the time is not far when the preservative will be put into the milk. And on the other hand, if the potassium kills the bacteria, the beneficial bacteria in yogurt will speak for ?! They are just not there! Valio- "in order to feel good" advertising campaign started recently, low-lactose and lactose-free products for promotional purposes: Extract from Valio site. These low-lactose products include blueberry, this yoghurt, of which image is above that carries Hyla marks but which contains as much as potassium sorbate preservative, provided that at least half of the body of bullets mine gets full. At least in my case, can hardly talk from a health product. Yesterday we looked around the shop, potassium and contains most of the Finnish company Valio yoghurts, which are sold in Estonia. anglo eastern Also Gefilus properties. A large part of them are produced in our ship's voyage in the Baltic market. Preservative, it is probably necessary in order that the goods would not be a bad way to Lithuania. Tallinn Dairy Industry Welcome branded yogurts, at least tag it does not contain a preservative. But the possibility that it is not just after the above, do not know. Anyway, anglo eastern it seemed Welcome yoghurts shorter shelf life, so it can be assumed that there is no preservative. But this may be contained in jam, which is placed into the yogurt. Because of the jam, imagine, is also starting to add potassium sorbate. Although anglo eastern decades have become grandmothers cope without it, and jams have been very good. For example, my grandmother cooked a dish with blueberry jam with no sugar at all, just barely, and only after hid in the sugar. Because of the expensive stuff is still wasted, sugar was not really time to get Russian. And if the jar lid was a small mold emerged, it was picked off with a spoon. And no signs of intoxication or thing though, I did not have, on the contrary, eating grandma's dishes, including freshly milked cow's milk and a pretty sour milk, were healthy, and feeling very good. And it's a fact that I like yogurts potassium-containing products arising from the consumption of the body spots, not some of yesterday's discovery, but the result of several years of observation. Its use should put warnings on the package that it contains anglo eastern poison, the people, such as children know to take into account. And even more, I want to produce products without preservatives, because they have very little anyway. And they should not be given to children, because I would imagine anglo eastern that many of the so-called potassium can cause allergies. And industries, start to produce the end products, which are products, however, no bullshit! Damn, was ridiculed though never imported from Germany over the sponge cakes with a shelf life of 3 years, but now it seems that such 'sponge cakes' has conquered all the grocery shelves. Ok, I understand that people are looking to store only the price, and therefore can be issued from any shit as long as it is cheap. But some sense of responsibility could still be. And I believe that the purchases would also be a bit more expensive products without preservatives. For example, smoothies are going very well.
Of course not like the idea of diet solkida because our people are buying anglo eastern to eat two to three days in advance if sedagi.Lase These foods contain chemicals, which are sent to distant lands where the freight will take weeks at a time, or for those who go hiking and so on. But the daily diet of fast moving letil, though not required kemiseerida.Külmkapid anglo eastern also drives though most health olemas.Meie pants leg over the head, it seems to me personally. March 22, 2008 10:41
thank you for that information. It put me in a new way with certain health anglo eastern effects assessment. frankly bores do not have to spend as much time reading labels and keemiasõnastikuga

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