Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Based on the experience of previous (1404Tasu ice 220, white + blue a little bit) (+10 fainted, dcm

Based on the experience of previous (1404Tasu ice 220, white + blue a little bit) (+10 fainted, dcm water resistant dcm +1) protect any stone fortress (within Lv5, heavy armor ball) Ranguro X own ice 砕竜 Borukurebosu , I no mean? Mark Ikeike + Makamaka dcm recovery system item analepticum dcm Great 10 5 of ice attribute proficiency {: Contact surface of (Lv50) highest dcm mark Ikeike + rapidly Kayanba mark of fast recovery of 4 ice attribute proficiency: Cha Cha (Lv50) Garg A Fake land I mean cheats, and we write the memory of a faint memory for saving of 5 elixir all dedicated recovery nutrients dcm Great elixir of combat in a total recovery of full private analepticum + honey} 10 elixir combat In I beat desperately, chest shoulder ~ ~ per head in the sea, the groin. Up to 30 minutes around, go home in preparation to return ball, but after curing is not enough even recover some dying and is done this about 5 times is get thrown napalm, a place to disconnect the mind, you are recovering dcm at the roadside, It went devoted carefully lava muscles of the body, (It seems to say recently with. roughening of the reservoir 1) the value up. Oh, you are quite daunted? ? ? About five times total, were put in about 2.5 sets the vertical 3 also chest I wish or was also a large fall. It does do anything When are collapsed dcm and show back. In less than 5 minutes remaining, B 2. Well, the sea, you hit neck desperately or do you just do. Meat could be destruction dcm of the chest-ish running through it because they say Ja peacock! Oh? ? Killed! But under the sea. Because we know of that, seems to three places, and between points collected stripped in a hurry at the feet desperately, you can swim in the dash. According to the report of the 9 times collecting success described above, it seems that's yours truly poor class + weapon much less strong. It was a time up completely mentally. I became dcm a hunter rank 51. That one? So much? It becomes a case where I have been doing 372 hours for sure! Attack pattern is as it is written here and there, but, after all, among unfamiliar & equipment is weak, because the inevitable long war, Key points of magnitude close to the cracks of Jen Moran first of all to improve the attack efficiency, Jen Moran weapons you are familiar even a little view of the fact that around, moving at a speed similar to crawling. In the case of yours truly, I is whether you want to recover by how hammer> sword> hunting whistle >>> other after. The whistle of hunting whistle weakness attribute {+ ice dragon}, come up with the melody of Healing University is down is lack. It's overlay Chimachima heal small also but not without, but the efficiency is bad or horribly. Or should I there is easy Contact surface of the song best devil mask group. in the hope that it spits out a recovery system item order to have raised the survival rate, and whether there is also Garg A fake. During recovery, and is suited at me, since cloud damage are likely to offset the recovery If you want to recover an item, coastline and Arica is close, it's would use the return ball or frankly elixir if you too are reduced even enter the sea The ants also. Attack the surface of the water does not hit. Note it is too respiratory afford, since coming eyeing exactly dcm the flame bullets. Or commonplace. Bittan tail that will somehow later, cheap land if Mawarikomere to the outside of the foot or just below the groin when you see if Sakere swung up the body and the press crawling. However, vibration is so come, even if you nag to the left and right immediately after the Ranguro X decision, one that is not accustomed advantageous If there is a seismic will be reduced considerably. It could lead to confirm Cry to not move in vibration. When you say or amazing how much fireball, so great is the explosion and reservoir, dcm and that was clutch blast is still there going to avoid the explosion of the landing in the getaway diving, Once stood up. Best to not issued, is not being targeted. Although there are a. Once you've entered the sea, because it does not land, it is avoided other than hit. Facing a variable direction without targeted forcibly to judgment dcm of each other thin surprising to 撃龍 spear, because'm not able to confirm from the side, if people who have abilities dcm that far invites, his difficult timed at I was told like "!'ll have to allow the use of Porutomaruku" better you happen to attack in succession early maybe. Hammer dcm are holding of Tanjia receptionist. It is that coordination in conjunction with receptionist set, you want to align all means. However, dcm Ryu-kotsu + spirit crystal 99999z + ancient. From a conclusion, material was gathered may not work hard, but it is gold. If you do not choose dcm the means, but there seems to some bug back. There is no intention to use for now. Those serving as a programmer, manager, such as deliberately dcm poke the bug in the products of others to be Mai. I want to make all means to the other, Inferno Scale of Guranmiorasu hunting whistle, because the material had gathered in the opening match. Fire is so strong idiot, it's likely to come in handy in the northern monster. Although production is higher this.
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